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AN: So if you've been reading since the beginning, you can tell that this is the 400th imagine that I've written.

"Barry, he's headed right down Market Street! He's two blocks from Star Labs!"
"One Block, if you take a right now you'll be able to cut him!"
"He's literally in front of- Cut that, she is IN Star- AHHHHH!"
Barry's earpiece gave one last buzzing sound before it went dead. He hit is with his fingers before he started running back to the Star Labs building. If Scarlet Scorpion was in there with Cisco and (Y/N), even he couldn't be fast enough. The metahuman Cisco had spotted about three days ago seemed to be toxic and could kill you with just one touch. It was obvious that the woman went to Star Labs, after all it's where this whole mess started! But Barry couldn't lose someone else. Not Cisco, and definitely not (Y/N). He still hadn't asked her out on a date!
Barry ran faster than he ever had in his life, (Y/N) scream still very prominent in his ears. He had never heard her this afraid. He's been working with her since the moment he awoke from the coma, and she's always been the one to keep her cool.
He pushed the doors open as he reached Star Labs and ran toward the noise. He heard a foreign voice yelling and as he rounded the corner he found Cisco unconscious (or at least he hoped so) on the floor and (Y/N) pointing a weapon toward Scarlet Scorpion.
"Take on step closer and I'll shoot you."
What was she doing?
Neither of the women had seen Barry so he proceeded to watch as they stared each other down. The moment the metahuman took a step towards (Y/N), Barry jumped in and threw her to the floor. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs he carried around and crossed her arms behind her back before the scared girl even realized her target was gone.
"Barry! Oh thank god Barry!"
She dropped the weapon to her feet and sank to the floor, her face going pale and her body shaking from the adrenaline she's felt just seconds ago. Their eyes met and without saying another word, Barry brought Scarlet Scorpion toward the cells where he locked her up. Dr. Wells would take a look at her and decide how to continue tomorrow.
The moment Barry returned to (Y/N) and Cisco, he saw that his friend was now awake. He held his head as his eyes wandered around the room. Not much damage was done. Some chairs were flipped and a monitor lay on the floor next to the gun, but that was it.
"He bud, you alright?" Barry asked as he crouched down in front of him. "I guess so. That bitch was ready to kill us but (Y/N) pushed me out of the way as that monster walked in. That's all I remember. Where is she now?"
"She's in a cell. B-Barry's locked her in. Dr. Wells has a gun attached under his table so I grabbed it and... waited, I guess."
She seemed a little confused and shaken up, but who could blame her. She was almost killed by a human scorpion! All it took was one touch and Barry would've lost her! Her, Cisco and if he hadn't caught her who knew who else!
"Gosh. Don't you ever do that again! I thought she got you as you screamed into that mic! I almost lost you! That can't happen, I mean, I haven't even, I –"
"What, Barry?"
"I haven't even... asked you out on a date yet."
Cisco's eyes moved between his best friend and (Y/N) as he rubbed his head where he had hit it.
"I'll just go. I mean, it's not as if I was unconscious just minutes ago or something."
His friends ignored his words as he hastily walked out. He wasn't fast enough though. He could still hear the kissing noises from the room and he wrinkled his nose. Stupid Lovebirds and their kissing.

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