Ron Weasly

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You had done both the muggle and the magical tests, just to be sure. At the moment you were too nervous to be excited, although you knew that you would be glad when the shock wore off. Ron was thrilled - you were having a baby - and he assured you that his family would be equally thrilled. You knew he was right but that didn't stop you worrying. A particular reason you were nervous was because of your twin brother, Harry. He had been sceptical about your relationship from the start, the idea of either of you getting hurt was unbearable.
You had asked Harry to meet you at the burrow, where you and Ron were both living. He arrived late afternoon, and was promptly offered a large slice of cake in attempt to put him into a good mood.
"So Harry, mate," began Ron. You took his hand, letting him know you would say it. Harry now looked worried.
"We have some news," you continued. You took one last deep breath, and said it. "I'm pregnant." A long moment of silence was enough to terrify you. Harry appeared to be in a state of mild shock. "Harry?" you quizzed. He looked up at you, before breaking into a huge grin. Your heart seemed to restart. A relieved chuckle escaped Ron's mouth. You still had to tell the Weasleys but somehow now that didn't seem so intimidating. Harry pulled both of you into a warm hug. "Congratulations guys," he said, a smile in his voice.
From outside in the garden, where the rest of the family had been enjoying the sun, you heard voices approach. The back door opened and in came Mrs Weasley.
"Oh hello Harry, I didn't know you were coming today!" She put the tray she'd been carrying on the counter. "Would you like some cake?" she offered, before noticing the plate he already held. "I thought you'd be working today Harry," she continued.
"I was supposed to be, but Y/N and Ron asked me to come over," he explained. Before she could reply, you butted in.
"We have some news, Molly."
"I'm pregnant." Molly's reaction was far quicker than Harry's had been. A gasp, a smile and a smothering hug. She then rushed outside, calling for her husband. Just a few seconds later the entire family was inside, giving their congratulations. Jokes were made, Arthur inevitably asked about muggle childbirth, and tears were shed.

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