Chapter 4: Feelings

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Both Raynor and Eryx confessed to me. And Eryx is even willing to compete with him.

  What do I do?

  It's not that I don't like them, just not in that way.

  I did confess to Raynor a few years ago.

  Eryx is my childhood friend, and I know him more.

  They'll both end up mad if I don't choose.

  But who?

I circled my room with many thoughts. What was I going to do? I don't want to betray either of them. But either way, one will walk away disappointed. I was thinking so much that I lost my concentration and bumped into the wall and fell backwards.

"Ouch..." I winced, rubbing my head.

"Noelle!" Raynor called through the open door. "I heard a 'thump' and I thought something might have happened so I came over..."

I should really close my door more often. "Oh, it's fine. I just accidentally bumped into the wall."

"Bumped into the wall?! But it's turning red! I'll go get you some ice." He said, running.

I stood up and lied down on my bed. I wanted to just lie there.

It hurts...

I blinked back potential tears. Raynor would be coming back. I wouldn't want him to get worried, so I definitely won't cry.

Raynor returned with a bag of ice and put it on my head.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He said. "By the way, what made you bump into the wall anyway?"

"I've just had a lot of thoughts." I said.

"It's Eryx, isn't it?" He asked.

"How did you..."

"Please, Noelle. I used to live with you. I'm pretty sure I've lived with you long enough to know what you're like when you're confused like this. It was the same expression on the night I confessed to you too."

"He confessed to me yesterday." I said. "I wouldn't have known what to say, knowing that you did too."

"Well," He started. "I'll respect your decision. You have to follow your heart, not what other people will say or do. This is your choice, and if Eryx won't accept it, maybe he doesn't actually love you. You know I do, and I just want you to be happy. I don't want you to be with me and be miserable."


"If you do choose him, I respect that. As long as you'll be happy." He kissed me on the forehead. "I hope you feel better."

"Oh... um... yeah."

He shut the door behind me. I looked up at the ceiling, the bag of ice on my head. My eyes grew tired, and I fell asleep.

I went to the library after dinner. I decided to look more into the history of the Province of Light. I was the only one there, it was already late at night after all. I took out a book and sat in one of the comfy chairs, turned on the lamp and read.

  "Raynor, have you seen Noelina? It's already late and she wasn't in her room. She has to take her medicine." Noelle's grandmother asked.

  "No, but I'll help you look for her, I'm sure she can't go that far if she's in the castle." I said, knowing exactly where she was.

  I opened the library doors. The entire room was dark, except for one light that was still on. I walked over to one of the chairs, and found Noelle sleeping while holding a book. I chuckled. She was cute when she slept.

  "Noelle," I whispered into her ears. "you're grandma is calling you."

  "Huh?" her eyes opened and yawned. "Grandmother's calling? Oh shoot! I have to take my medicine right?"

  "Yeah." I said. "Why are you taking medicine?"

  "It's nothing big, really." She said. "What are you doing, this late at night?"

  "I was just wandering around the castle." I said.

  "But you know what it's like in here. Why do you still do it?" She asked.

  "Who knows, what if it has a secret entrance like the ones in the castle in the Province of Darkness? Because if there is, I definitely don't know about it."

  "Haha, so you think about things like that?"

  "Sometimes." I said.

  " I thought about what you said earlier." She said. "Do you really think Eryx would respect my decision?"

  "If he's a good friend, of course. I don't know what he's like, so I don't know how he'd react to a situation like this. Remember, it's your choice. Even if he doesn't like it, you don't have to care about what he thinks, as long as you are happy with your decision." I said. "Why?"

  "He said he wouldn't give me up, no matter what. I don't know if he'd respect my decision with that in mind."

  "Also, I think my decision is leaning towards you right now."

  I stopped, my heart practically beating so fast that it might explode. I looked at Noelle in the dark hallway. I couldn't see her face that well, but I'm pretty sure it was red too. She would normally never have the courage to say something like that to anyone.

  "It is?"

  "Well, of course. You've always been there for me and helped me out. You've never judged me for what I've done. You're like an older brother that I've never had."  My heart slowed down.

  "This may sound really selfish for me to say, even after what I told you earlier, but I don't want to be seen as your older brother."

  I had taken her hand and given it a small squeeze.

  "Don't forget what I said earlier, but this is what I want right now. I will still respect your decision, but the more relieved I feel when you decide to choose me."

  "Raynor... what are you saying..."

  "Remember that I still love you, okay? I won't hate you if you choose Eryx, as long as you remember that I love you."

  We walked into the dining hall where I found her grandmother.

  "Well, thanks for bringing me here." Noelle said.

  "Yeah." I replied. "See you tomorrow."

  "See you tomorrow." She replied.

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