Chapter 1: Visit

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The photo above shows 17-year-old Noelle and 19-year-old Raynor.

I was packing up my things to get ready to go to the Province of Light. All the royal families had to go live there for two years because it was a tradition in the Magic Domain. Basically, we just visit one of the four provinces every ten years and live there for two years and all of the Magic Domain will be governed from there. This was my first time doing this, since I was only coronated four years ago.

I haven't been to the Province of Light. They say it's really hot there, so I might not be able to handle the temperature because I've lived in a very cold place. Most of all, I'm anxious because one of my friends, Raynor, was there.

I haven't seen Raynor ever since four years ago at my coronation. I haven't seen Emily or Eric since then either. My sister isn't coming because she's the second princess and she'll be staying with my father, so I had no one to talk to because I was pretty nervous seeing Raynor again. I still remember what happened when he last came and I'm pretty sure he still does too.

"Noelina Castilla..."

"I love you."


"Ever since the very beginning."

"It was love at first sight."

"Raynor, I..."

"... I love you too."

~End of Flashback~

I blushed at the thought. We had both confessed to each other on the last time we even saw each other. I'm excited to see him again, but nervous.

"Noelina, are you ready to go?" Grandmother asked.

"Y-Yes, Grandmother!" I answered, clearly spacing out. We boarded a carriage and headed off. It would take about an hour or two, I guess I could wait a while to think.

Looks like my province was chosen this year. All the other royal families had to come over and stay for two years. The princes and princesses didn't really have any work to do, it was mostly just their parents' work. I'm pretty nervous, this year, just because I know Noelle's coming.

I haven't seen her in a long time, about four years, maybe. I'm nineteen now, she'd be seventeen, because her birthday hasn't come yet. The last time I saw her was when she had just turned fourteen and when I was fifteen, at her coronation. I'm really nervous because I still remembered what happened that day.

Some carriages had began to arrive. Prince Michael from the Province of Darkness - despite where he's from he's actually a really nice person. He was the re-coronated prince of the Province of Darkness after the last royal family - the family that wanted to take over the Magic Domain - vanished after Noelle purified them. Princess Daphne from the Province of Green, whom I've met a few times during my childhood. And finally, Princess Noelle.

She and her grandma came out of their carriage and both thanked the coachman. We all greeted each other. When Noelle and I had somehow stumbled to each other, we nervously greeted each other, both faces were red.

"L-Long time no see." I said.

"Y-Yeah." She replied. Her looks had changed much over the years: she had grown a few inches taller and her hair grew longer and wavier. Our height differences were still pretty similar from before- I was still about half a head taller than her. She doesn't seem to wear her glasses anymore, but she probably still does when she's not in public. Her personality didn't seem to have changed that much, she was still really shy.

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