Chapter 3

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Finally we are back after a long break! Kindly pardon us! Most of the fault is mine Because I was busy and couldn't gather myself! So here is the chapter!
Plz do consider mine and VatsDWriter efforts!

Happy Reading! Response means a lot!

Chapter 3

"Take care!" His whisper echoed in her ear and she palmed her them in extreme frustration.

"Bastard!!" She muttered under her breath as once again his face flashed in front of her eyes..

She was angry. Angry with herself that how come a man was occupying her determined thoughts.

She was angry because that man was breaking through the shell in just few days which she was weaving around herself since the very beginning...

She can't let anyone in...she can't let HIM in..

He was no different... Yes! She was trying hard to make herself believe that he was no different..

She shoved her head deeper in the pillows and took sharp breaths..

"Tumhri ankhain....bolti hain!"

Again...bloody again...

"Stay out of my head!!" She shouted angrily and without looking up she turned the volume of the tv to maximum..

She was sure this high volume will be helpful until the news reached her ears..

"The handsome hunk businessman Manik Malhotra who just has established his empire in India after maintaining it in many other countries, was being spotted yesterday at Greystone Night Club!" The newscaster was saying and Nandini got up with a jerk..

He was so famous that paparazzi were behind him??

Fu*king hell!

Without caring for his image and reputation he so much casually met her in the park the morning before yesterday..

She hadn't perform since last two nights because that man was on her nerves.

"No wonder what this hottie was doing there? Maybe having a good night with one of the beautiful girls of Greystone?" The newscaster reported with all the spice and Nandini frowned.

"Manik Malhotra's ex girlfriend has to say something about Manik's visit to the club!" The reporter spoke and Nandini's eyes widened..

She was never ever interested in these kinda sh!tty news channels who always do nothing but exploit the reputations of wealthy men but Manik Malhotra was...well he was now known to her..

Why she was interested in that news? She questioned to herself. Just because she is familiar of his name? Yeahh!

She herself justified the situation and looked forward for the news..

"I am so sad to see Manik single all over again! I don't know what he always tries to find in girls! I am sure he can't have a girl prettier then me then don't know why! I miss our walks on the beach hand in hand when we went to Brazil!" The girl who was a supermodel of a known company, started crying with fake tears..

Something like a fire filled Nandini's insides as she imagined Manik and that b!tch walking on the beach hand in hand..

Her grip on the remote tightened and her jaws twisted...

"Bimbo!" Nandini cursed her under her breath and shut the TV instantly..

What was she even thinking while concentrating a news that too about Manik Malhotra!?.

MaNan SS: Betahasha! (A Collaboration Story By MawaraEjaz6&VatsDWriter)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant