Chapter 6: Go Talk to Her

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The motorcycle ride back to the clubhouse was surprisingly quiet. Chibs didn't say another word, even when we both climbed off the bike, and I was too unsure to break the silence. We walked into the main room to find the higher-ups of the MC waiting at the bar. Chibs walked over to join Clay, Jax, Tig and Bobby who were chatting. They all turned their attention to me as I walked behind the bar.
"Hey there, darlin'." Jax greeted me.
"Hi, boys," I smiled at them, wishing with all my might that I could have just slipped unnoticed to the dorms to change out of this ridiculous t-shirt. "I was just about to change into something clean. I can get right back to you, though--"
"Actually," Clay interjected, "We wanted to speak with you."
"Alright... How can I help you?" I asked, studying their faces, which were all worryingly serious.
"Look we know that this isn't exactly what you signed up for," Bobby began, "And we understand if after this shit blows over you don't want to work here anymore."
I looked at the men who were all waiting for my response. I sighed.
"You're right to say this is a bit more... intense than I expected." They all nodded, and I noted that their faces fell even further. "However, I need this job. It's my only source of income right now."
"We're not threatening to fire you, sweet cheeks. You're a real professional, just thought you might not want to work at the clubhouse anymore," Tig explained.
"You could always work at Diosa," Jax offered.
"The brothel?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Clay smirked at my frankness, but Jax frowned so I quickly back-pedaled. "Sorry, escort service. You know what I mean."
"Yes, that's what I meant." Jax affirmed touchily.
I frowned. "How would that be safer?"
They opened their mouths to respond and I raised a hand. "It wouldn't be, that's the answer you're looking for. Look, as long as I work for you there's always going to be shit like this lockdown to worry about. Working at the clubhouse, however, means I don't have just one or two bikers posted outside to keep me safe: I have the whole damn MC. And in case we ever go on lockdown again, I'm already here. There's a reason this is the place you come to for lockdown—it's the safest space you have."
Clay nodded, "You have a point."
"Anyway," I continued, "I'm just a bartender. I'm not personally tied to anyone here, I don't know anything about the... business you guys do. Like I was explaining to Chibs earlier, I'm the least likely target. So... if it's alright with you, I'd like to keep working here."
I looked at them all, hoping they'd understand.
Clay nodded again. "We're lucky to have you, sweetheart. You can go ahead and change now, if you'd like."
       I ducked my head in gratitude before heading to Chibs' room to change.

Maybe he'd scared her off. That was Chibs' only thought as he watched Lily do her thing behind the bar later that night. With everyone who was anybody to the MC stuck inside the clubhouse, she'd been working non-stop making drinks. Chibs understood that's why she was busy, but a big part of him felt that maybe he'd flirted too overtly... or maybe she'd misconstrued his awkward silence on the ride back... God, he just didn't know why he kept thinking about this.
"Is it just me, or is she sexy?" Tig's voice broke into his reverie. Chibs gave him a sideways glance.
"No, she's sexy," Juice affirmed, planting his ass on the bar stool next to him so that the two of them flanked Chibs like annoying birds of prey.
"Ye're like vultures, ye are." Chibs grumbled.
       "But what is it about her that is just so... hot..." Tig mused aloud, tapping his chin.
       "Maybe it's my sense of hearing," Lily said, giving them a pointed look. "You do know you're only five feet away from me, right?"
        "We were only teasing, Lil," Tig said, "You know how to make something fancy with vodka in it?"
        Lily thought for a moment, "You ever tried a white Russian before?"
        "Only once and she wasn't very nice," Tig said.
Lily laughed, and as much as Chibs liked the sound, he also wanted to gut Tiggy with his bowie knife for being the cause of it.
"How about I make you a Screwdriver instead, since you've obviously got some shit loose in your skull?" She replied to the biker who laughed.
"See that's what makes you sexy, sweet cheeks. Nothing like a woman with a sense of humor," Tig said jovially as Lily went to get orange juice from the fridge. She threw the screwdriver together and handed it to Tig before turning to Chibs.
"Would you like something else?" She asked, looking him in the eye. He barely looked up.
       "Jameson'd be nice, sweetheart."
       "Jameson for the Scotsman?" She teased. "You've got a bit of Irish in you too?"
That got him to look up at her already familiar smirk, which just made him feel worse.
       "No, I don't." He said grimly. Her eyes widened.
       "Alright, Jameson it is," she said quietly, before heading to the backroom.
       "Chibby," Tig said, getting very close to Chibs' face, "What has worked its way up your Scottish ass tonight?"
       "Yeah, why aren't you being nice to Lily?" Juice asked.
"I'm not... not being nice Lily!" Chibs exclaimed, "What's it to the two of you cretins anyway?"
"What's it to us?" Tig asked, looking over at Juice, "Can you believe this guy? You're the only one she gives the time of day to, you stupid foreigner."
"What are you galumphing on about?" Chibs asked gruffly. "She talks to everyone."
Juice laughed, "Not how she talks to you."
       Chibs looked at the two of them, scanning their faces for signs of bullshit. "Are you shitting me or do you two idiots actually believe that?"
They both nodded.
       "Trust me, I wouldn't make this up. I've been wanting to tap that since I saw it, but, despite my obvious superiority, she prefers you," Tig told him, shaking his head.
"Well. Er..." Chibs trailed off. This was unexpected news. They thought Lily liked him? "...What do I do?"
"What do you do?" Juice asked, "Jesus, Chibs, how old are you? You're a grown fucking man! No, not just that: you're a Son, you son of a bitch!"
"Yeah!" Tig exclaimed. "You've had your fair share of gash. Hell, you've killed people, been tortured-"
"Irrelevant, Tiggy," Juice interjected.
       "What I'm trying to say is, go talk to her!" Tig prodded Chibs off his bar stool.
        "But what if she- Isn't she a little young for me?" Chibs asked, stalling.
        "Maybe here," Juice motioned at his body, "But not here," He tapped his head.
        "Yeah, she's ten times smarter than you, I gotta say. I don't know what she sees in you," Tig commented.
         "I'm gonna go now, if you're both done," Chibs cut them off. They waved him away and he walked to the back room. Lily was crouched in the back-corner, just barely visible from the door way.
"D'ya need some help?" Chibs asked, stepping into the room.
Lily straightened and whirled around. "Shit, Chibs. You scared me."
"Sorry, lass..." He began to apologize, but then realized the irony of the situation.
"Wait, so I scare you, but working for the Sons of Anarchy doesn't bother you?" He asked incredulously.
       "You say that like I'm your triggerman," Lily laughed. Chibs looked off to the side. She back-pedaled quickly. "...Not that you have one of those. And if you do, I don't want to know... My point is, I'm just a bartender."
"It's still dangerous to be seen with us, lass, you have to understand the gravity of this." Chibs insisted.
       "I do, Filip, I swear, but I need this money. You saw my apartment," Lily straightened up and crossed her arms. "I only have that because of my dearly departed uncle. Otherwise, I'd be sleeping on a park bench. Plus, my semester only just started and my scholarship only covers so much."
       Chibs nodded. "Alright, fine. I can understand that."
       "You can, can you?" She asked smirking, "It wasn't like I was asking you for permission, Filip..."
       He rolled his eyes... and then looked at her, the way her lips twisted up like she knew the joke was on him, somehow still beautiful under the dim fluorescent lighting, her wide intelligent eyes staring right back at him... and he lost his nerve. He turned to go.
        "Chibs... Filip..." She called after him. He turned back around.
"Why did you really come back here?" She asked, looking at him searchingly.
       Chibs looked down. "Good question, love."
       "Is something wrong, or...?" She stepped towards him. He looked back up at her and suddenly couldn't take it anymore. He closed the distance between them with a few strides and kissed her, cradling her face with his hands.

A Bartender in Charmingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें