Chapter 5: The Way You Say My Name

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I'd fallen asleep surprisingly quickly after Chibs had nearly crushed me in the wee hours of the morning. It had been a light sleep, however, the kind where imagination and reality begin to cross. Even from my far off corner of the bed, I could feel his heat radiating out towards me as I drifted. Perhaps my body had been attracted to the warmth as I'd slept, or maybe I'd imagined it all... but as I slept, I could have sworn I'd turned over to find the Scotsman right there next to me. Instinctively, I'd nuzzled into his shoulder and I felt him move in towards me a little.
That is, if I hadn't dreamt it.
When I finally came to, it was the sound of the shower that woke me. I opened my eyes a bit and saw pale morning light filtering through the blinds on the windows. I turned over, away from the light, hoping to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep. With my eyes closed, I heard the shower turn off. After what felt like an eternity later, the bathroom door creaked open. The bed jostled as Chibs sat at the end. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting there, pulling on his boots. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Chibs looked over at me.
"Good morning," He greeted me, "I was just about to wake you."
"Why? Are we going somewhere?" I asked sleepily. He cracked a smile, probably at my thoroughly mussed appearance.
"You wanted to grab some things, yeah? Right now is probably the best time, before things get busy again."
I nodded, swinging my bare legs over the edge of the bed. I stood before I remembered I was only wearing his t-shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn he was staring at me. I froze where I stood and peered over at him—but no, he was turned away. I quickly picked up my jeans off the floor and pulled them on.
Chibs stood up, clearing his throat.
"Well, um, I'll meet you by the bar then," He said before unceremoniously exiting the room.
I exhaled immediately. My blood rushed and my heart pounded... I felt my cheeks and they were warm to the touch. Chibs had made me nervous? I swallowed hard and collected myself. There was no need to be nervous, I chanted to myself, I don't mean anything to him.

As Chibs left the room, he took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. He'd seen plenty of bare legs in his day, there was nothing special about Lily's. Sure, Lily didn't exactly qualify as the usual crow eater gash he got around here... But still. He was a grown man. So what if he'd seen her bare legs under that t-shirt she'd borrowed from him? He shouldn't get this nervous over a girl in college.
            As he wandered over to the bar, picking his way over sleeping bikers, however, he couldn't help but keep mulling over the Lily issue in his mind. He didn't know a whole lot about her. She went to college, but her exact age was a mystery to him. Definitely too young for you, he thought to himself. What else did he know? He knew she always wore black. She never drank with anyone, but talked to everyone, smiling and flirting like only a good bartender could. She was strangely graceful as she poured drinks. A bit of a show-off really... And her legs were long... Fuck, now he was back to her legs. He had to stop--
            "Ready to get going?" He heard her say in a stage whisper. He turned. She was still wearing his t-shirt over her jeans. It was much too large for her and it made her look even smaller—which for some reason drove him crazy. Ok, stop staring and answer her, he told himself.
            "Let's get a move on, lassie." He said gruffly, heading out the door. He led her to his Harley and handed her his helmet. He climbed on, but saw that she still stood there holding the helmet in her hands.
            "Something wrong?" He asked her. She shook her head with a small smile.
            "Nothing's wrong but... promise you won't laugh..."
            "I swear," the Scotsman said, raising an eyebrow. What could be the matter with the girl?
            "I've never been on a motorcycle before." She admitted sheepishly, looking up at him through her eyelashes. Despite his promise, Chibs cracked a grin.
            "Are you serious, Lil? You work at Teller-Morrow and you've never touched a bike?" He chuckled in spite of himself.
            She smacked him lightly with the helmet. "Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh."
            "Ow! Sorry, sorry, couldn't help it." He extended a hand, "Now, climb on. There's nothing to be scared of."
            Lily took his hand and climbed on the back of his bike. She fastened the helmet to her head, suddenly feeling nervous. Chibs kick-started his bike.
            "Oh, wow!" Lily exclaimed at the roar it made, her nerves melting in a rush of adrenaline. Chibs smiled to himself.
            "Got that helmet on good and tight, lass?" He asked.
            "Yep!" She said in his ear.
            "Good. Hold on!" He instructed as he tore out of the line-up. He felt her wrap her arms around his waist as they pulled up to Teller-Morrow's gate.

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