||chapter one

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      Scott, Stiles and I were just entering a tattoo parlor. Ever since we were little we always dreamed about getting matching tattoos. Scott did the honors and gave the tattoo artist our drawing. We chose to do a 2 band design it was just something we traced while we were bored studying. While me and Scott were currently waiting in the chairs Stiles was looking at all of the tattoo book design ideas. Suddenly Stiles decides to speak up "are you guys sure you don't want to get something like this" Stiles said holding up a picture of a lizard that looks like the Kanima. I glared at him while Scott raised his eyebrow. "Too soon?"

Just before summer started Jackson morphed into a lizard like creature instead of a werewolf. The lizard killed a lot of people but it wasn't Jackson's fault it was Matt's because he was the one controlling him. And then Gerard Allison's grandfather eventually killed Matt and became the new owner of the kanima. And while that was going on he brainwashed Allison who I hate by the way cause she fricken stabbed me 100000 times and it hurt like a bitch. But eventually Derek and peter killed Gerard then Jackson became a werewolf. Very complicated I know.

I was brought back to reality when Stiles spoke "are you guys sure about this? I mean these things are pretty permanent"
"I'm not changing my mind, Scott?"
"Nope never." He says "okay well why two bands?" Stiles asked
"I just like it" me and Scott said at the same time. It honestly freaks me out.

"Shouldn't you're first tattoo have some sort of meaning you know or something?" Stiles questioned is further. "Getting a tattoo means something." Scott says

"I don't think that's-

"He's right," the tattoo artist spoke up making everyone in the room turn their heads toward him. And he explained how it means to leave a mark, and tattooing goes back thousands of years.

"See, he gets it." I points out to Stiles
"He's covered in tattoos jess, literally."

"Okay you ready?, you ain't got problems with needles, do you?" "Nope." Scott says while getting sweaty. I grab hold of his hand and squeeze it comfortingly for encouragement.

"I tend to get a little squeamish...so.." Stiles spoke as he watched the man start.

Immediately after he looked Stiles eyes rolled to the back of his head me he fell to the flor fainting. I get into a burst of laughs after that then get him and ice pack like the guy said.


We finally finished getting the tattoos and we just got in Stiles Jeep, the boys up front while I kept my head poked through the middle. I started to groan when I keep feeling my tattoo starting to burn.

"Hey Scott does yours hurt?" I ask
"Yeah it kind of burns" Scott told me and I nodded in agreement while latching onto my arm trying to make the pain stop.

"Yeah, well you literally had your skin stabbed one thousand times by a needle" Stiles told us sarcastically

"I don't think it's supposed to feel like this" I spoke as I continued to groan. Me and Scott take out bandages off to see it healing

"No no no no no!!" Me and Scott say

"Jesus! How come one thing that I found so precious healed like why has becoming a werewolf become such an inconvenience in my life!" I practically screamed.

"They healed" my brother said sadly
"Oh thank god I hated it" Stiles said making me glare harshly at him.

Now we're sitting in the car how Scott's blabbing about Allison. I don't get it she's so annoying and vicious I tell ya!!

"Yeah we agreed over the summer no Tex's and no calls" he said sounding heartbroken. But I could care less that girl is evil!

"And Jess couldn't care less right now!" I snapped at my brother only to be ignored.

"I don't even know if she's coming back or not" Scott says sadly.

I honestly really don't even care

Just before summer ended Allison's grandfather brainwashed her in wanting to kill everyone if us. So she went on a streak of hurting people and she literally slashed me in my back one thousand times. SHE NEVER EVEN APOLOGIZED for crying out loud. But then he almost had the kanima kill her because it was all apart of his so called "plan"

"I'd say she is pretty definite." Stiles says making me furrow my eyebrows

Stiles nods his head in the direction of the car next to us I peek to see ALLISON!!! ughhh can't she just leave. While Scott's in his trance I just glare at her the whole time. Suddenly Allison sees and tenses in her seat and then starts freaking out.

"OH MY GOD" Scott screams
"Go Stiles GO!" he continues screaming.
"Um I can't it's a red light!"

"You know what I think we should talk to them I think we should say hi!" Stiles says
"WHAT NO ARE YOU CRAZY!" I scream at him but he just ignores me and rolls down the window.

and suddenly they drove off but I decided to maybe make this situation by adding a "maybe they didn't see us?" They both looked at me like I was crazy I just shook my head.

"What are you doing?" Scott asks once we started driving.
"I'm in driving" he replies casually
Scott mentally freaks out and screeches out "but it looks like we're following them!"
"Well Scott, what else do you want me to do?!"
"ANYTHING!" He replies desperately

Stiles just stomps on the brake making me fly forward and hit my head on the window!!
I hit Stiles back in the head for it tho!!!
"Ow what was that for!" He yelled

Suddenly I hear Lydias and Allison's scream but I'm more worried for Lydia!

We all jump out of the car and run up to the and see a deer through their windshield.
"OMG LYDIA ARE YOU OKAY?" I questioned scared. "it came right at us" Lydia says like in a paralyzed scared state. It was like it was scared. Suddenly me and Scott touched it and I was getting one thing off of it.

"Actually terrified" me and Scott say

Only one thing I knew about this, something bad was about to happen.
Okayyyyyyy I hope you liked this editttttt!!


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