"Well yeah but- I actually can't think of a witty comeback."

"Maybe you're not as witty as me, I am pretty amazing."

"I am so wittier than you, I'll have you know that I am so witty in fact that- that-"

"You can't think of anything witty to say can you?"

"I can, just give me a second."

"It has been a second."

"I didn't mean- you know what fuck you dude."

"Why thank you." I give a slight bow and we keep walking. The corridors of ice flower are quite long, especially in the living quarters, it's a little like a college. Everyone has a room mate, mine being Levi, and they get a room to sleep in etc. Ice flower was a school too, a boarding school to be exact. So there were foster kids and kids that got to see their parents on the holidays. Occasionally it lead to fights but it was rare that it ever would. Sometimes I wish I got to meet my parents, just once but I never met them. All I have ever known is ice flower and up until the age of 18 it'll probably be all I know.

The battle dome, it is big, in fact it has to be. In the very centre of the building, which has been separated from the school, was a large dome. That's what gave it part of its name. Around the dome is a seating area where people can sit and watch. Inside the dome battles go on, usually one and one but there was an occasional team event. Students from ice flower would go to the battle dome to test their powers. Each student would fight, using their powers, until the opponent was knocked unconscious or has been deemed unable to fight any longer. Students can even book matches if they want but there is usually a waiting list. The battle dome is pretty popular for fighters and people that want to watch. It is even used in P.E and power training classes for the school. Meaning from Monday to Friday the dome was only open to the school, excluding holidays, and on weekends anybody could use the dome.

"So why did you want to come here again?" I ask looking up at the board floating above us, it is holographic and displays both the matches being held for the day and the dome's champion, one for student champion and one for public champion. Lynn is at the top of both leader boards, he is another orphan like me and Levi, he had been abandoned by his parents the day he turned fifteen, that must have been a nice birthday present for him.

"Well I heard there is supposed to be some good matches on today, what do you think do any of them look any good?" I look more closely at the matches that would be happening. The one on now was between two people, the holographic board read:

Jackson Mare- Telepathy vs Mason Mare- Geokinesis

"Looks like two brothers are fighting in there, there parents sure do know how to name their kids."

"Hey I think Mason is a pretty cool name."

"Well you're weird."

"Rude." We both laugh at our own exchange and have to wait for a moment to calm down. It wasn't even that funny but for some reason me and Levi managed to laugh to the point of almost crying because of it. "Well are we going in?" Levi starts to head inside without me, and he called me rude.

"Hey hold up." I run in after him quickly catching up and slowing my pace to a brisk walk. "We forgot to get food by the way."

"Well we can always get some later, I don't wanna miss the fight."

"But I'm hungry now, dammit I'm thinking about food." Levi just laughs and keeps walking. "Whatever I- you know what I'm not gonna stoop to your level."

"I think you already did dude."

"Well you're the one that woke me the fuck up to see a fight in the battle dome."

Ice Flower Path of iceWhere stories live. Discover now