Chapter 4- pt 3

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                        March 6th 2005

I sit at my desk quietly, the chatter of my peers sounding around me, a constant buzz. I am quiet, always quiet, as my mother did teach me 'if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all'. Believe me, with the imbeciles i have spent most of my young life with, you will learn to keep your mouth shut, just in case the irritation might make itself much too present.

So i sit, glaring at nothing, aggravation and agitation on the inside, an almost blank face on the outside, except for the fire in my slightly narrowed eyes.

"Hey Howell" i hear, and suddenly snap my head up from its position, to see the person who doesn't annoy me on a daily basis, well at least not to the point where i fantasize about what would happen if an axe were to swing by and suddenly behead them, forever shutting them up, like i do the rest of the kids.

"Hey Eliza" i smile, actually making an attempt to seem slightly interested in what she is saying.

Eliza was beautiful, sure. She was nice and funny, but also not exactly my type, but she was enough so i considered maybe asking her out one day.

"Some guy out there, i think Tristan,  keeps talking crap about you, i would maybe go and see whats up."

I blanched at the name, Tristan was the worst. He played football and constantly boasted about the amount of girls he got on a daily basis.

I groaned and pulled myself up. I really hated conflict, and just getting up in general.

I walked into the hall, it was free period so we were allowed to roam, though i mostly glared at an innocent desk for 45 minutes, deep in thought, as friends were overrated.

I came up behind a small crowd of a couple boys and girls, deep in chatter. I walked up, evidently curious and a little angry for the disruption of my "quiet time".

"He's a fag i tell you, a disgusting person, i caught him staring at my butt the other day, honest!"

I walked faster at the noises of disapproval that came from the group, face reddening with each passing second.

"Grover!" I growled, somehow gathering enough courage to call the boys name out.

His head snapped toward me, his malicious grin deepening as he walked toward me a loud greeting of "HOWELL glad you could make it." As he pulled me toward the smirking group of teenagers.

"Were you talking about me" i mumbled, the eyes suddenly making me go shy, fearing what will happen next.

"Why is your name 'fag' now" he mocked, "i knew you were one, did you finally accept it."

"What" i stuttered. I wasn't gay, where the heck did these people get the idea that I, of all people was a homosexual.

"You are gay Howell, simple as that. Disgusting kind, what your people are." He snarled, getting closer.

I decided i wasn't going to let Tristan walk all over me anymore, he cant just assume things and expect me to just let him tell everyone.

"Im not gay Grover, i don't know WHAT gave you that idea, but im sorry to disappoint you with my flaming heterosexuality." I said, using my height as an advantage to force him to look up at me.

His usual smirk still remained ever present on his face as he pushed me slightly, narrowing his grey eyes at me.

"We all know you're a fag Howell, just admit it." He grumbled lowly, making me shrink back.

"Im not gay" i almost pleaded, my face getting hotter, eyes slightly pricking with tears.

"Aw is little gay boy crying" he mocked, pushing me again, a small whimper escaping my mouth, laughs and jeers emitting from the slightly growing group of people.

"IM NOT GAY" i screamed, tears streaming down my face.


Sorry, Kids. My friend Melissa sucks. So i deleted this content. Anywaysssss...Lets just pretend Smut ensues thanks guys!

Dun dun DUN. Hi guys did ya miss me! Well yes hi how are you? Good, k thats great.

550 reads!!! Thats great thanks so much my dudes i appreciate it immensely. Heres smut as a treat for how good you are. JUST KIDDING MELISSA RUINED IT!!!Ily all!!

Happy reading~Tara

P.s- sorry if theres mistakes, i didnt reread or i will regret all my choices, just say if there is one and ill fix it.

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