Well, I'm getting into this thing.

I put my ear on the door to hear if there's any walkers or survivors. I don't hear anything. 

I pull out my gun and slowly turn the handle and look inside. It looks picked clean from first look.

I open the door more so I can walk in. I leave it open in case I need to get out quickly.

There's isn't much in this room. A couch, a coffee table, a broken TV, and a  cabinet. This must've been the living room.

I walk over to the cabinet and opens it. There's nothing in the first drawer. I open the second. A half full bottle of ibuprofen. I stuff it in my coat pocket.

I open the last drawer. Nothing. 


I close the drawers and walk over to the couch. There's a woman shot in the side of the head. 

Looks like it was a suicide, judging by pistol in her hand. Some people just can't take this world.

I slowly take the pistol out of her hand and check for bullets. There's two left.

I put the gun in my pocket and I walk to the hallway. There's two more rooms. 

I open the first door. It's a bedroom. There's basic things in it. A bed, two bed stands, and lamps.

As I open a of the drawers in one of the bed stands, I hear the floor creaking. Someone or something is here.

I pull out my gun and tip toe to the other room, gun ready to fire.

I slowly open the door and I open to a room full of supplies. This could last our group almost a year! 

I turn around to see a walker a couple feet away from me. I quickly stab it in the head. How did I not hear it? I guess I'm getting old.

Without a thought I go outside to get back to the house to bring the group back here. It's going to be way better than in that small house with barely anything to eat.


Luke's POV

"Where could he be? We looked everywhere for him!" I say, kicking an empty can on the ground.

"Well, there is a lot of houses in his town." Mike says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I agree quietly, as we walk farther into town.


Clem's POV

"They've been gone a while. Maybe we should look for them." I say worriedly.

"I'm sure they're fine. They might be getting supplies." Bonnie says, feeding AJ the last of his food. "Hopefully baby food."

"What if they're in trouble? We need to go out there." 

"Clem, I know you're worried, but Mike will help them in whatever problem they're in." Bonnie says, without a care.

"What if he can't? You can't keep saying that he'll fix everything. You're only saying that because you have a crush on him." I say, getting up. "If you're not gonna help, I will."

She pauses for a minute, letting my words sink in. "Clem, I'm not going to let you leave."

"You're not my mom, Bonnie."

"I may not be, but I'm protecting you."

"Or are you? The only person who really tried to protect me is dead, and you can't change that." I say, opening the door.

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