1: Betrayed

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Hey guys! This is my new fanfic "I Thought We Were Friends" This is like a introduction chapter so it's a little short. But I hope you like it!

Clem's POV

Regret. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. I don't know if I just killed Sarita, or saved her.

"You....you...." Sarita screams, while getting grabbed and bit by walkers.

"Sarita?" Kenny asks. " No!" He screams as he sees her getting eaten alive.

"Where're you going? Kenny!" Mike yells.

"Sarita!" Kenny yells.

"Kenny!" I yell.

Kenny kills the walkers attacking Sarita. Her dropping to the ground after.

"No! You can't die. I won't let you die!" Kenny cries.

"We have to move! There's too many." Mike says.

Sarita cries in pain in Kenny's arms, while Mike kills surrounding walkers.

"Come on, babe." Kenny says.

"She's dead, man. We have to go." Mike says.

"Leave us alone! She's not dead." Kenny yells.

"She's gone, Kenny. We have to let her go." I say, trying to make him move.

"Sarita. I'm not leaving." He looks up to me. "Get the fuck away from us!"

"Kenny!" Mike yells.

"I won't be left alone again." Kenny cries. "You're gonna be fine. Don't listen to what these fuckers are saying."

I look down to my axe. I have to kill Sarita. It's the only way to make him move. 

"She's gonna turn, man! You gotta let go!" Mike says.

"No. No!" 

I take a deep breath, and swing my axe up and down to Sarita's head.

"No!" Kenny yells. "What the fuck did you do?"

"What the hell is going on?" Mike asks, running over to us.

"You...fuck. Why? WHY?"

"She was going to turn. I couldn't let that happen." I say, bending down.

"You stupid fucking kid!" Kenny yells, causing me to jump up.

"Kenny... come on man." Mike says.

"Just go, Mike." Kenny says.

Mike hesitates before running off. I stare at Kenny in fear.

He gets up from the ground, glaring at me. He then walks up slowly to me.

"Goodbye, Clementine." He says, pushing me into walkers before running off.


Man, that was intense! Tell me what you think of this beginning chapter down below!

Bye lovelies.

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