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Ten Years Later

Over the span of ten years, a lot has happened. You and Kyoya both applying to the top pre-med schools in the world and going to the best that is located in America. Haruhi getting accepted into a top law school with a mountain of opportunities in America as well. Then, the other hosts following the lead and moving to America for school as well.

They completed their schooling in time, but you and Kyoya had many more years to go. Years in which brought an engagement the day of your final graduation when finishing school three years early and becoming two of the youngest licensed doctors in the world.

The hosts moved back to Japan
--of course--and the two of you followed suit, remaining just as close with the others as you all had been in high school.

During the time you and Kyoya were still in college, Honey got married to his current wife, Reiko, and had two kids, along with Tamaki and Haruhi who now have one kid. Mori is living with his fiance and Hikaru and Kaoru (both single) are living together at the moment and helping their mother with her clothing line and are focused on being there for their little sister.

As for Kyoya, he succeeded in earning his role as patriarch and now runs the entirety of the Ootori companies. You are his partner through all of this, but at times, he still gets engulfed in his work. You got married about two years ago and have devoted yourself to the medical practice, but that may change very soon.

Today is the day of the month that everyone visits yours and Kyoya's house, well, over-sized mansion, for dinner. You're used to the lavish life by now since you had been living off-campus in a huge rental house that Kyoya's family paid for for the both of you while you were worrying about everything else.

As for Kyoya's family, you made peace with his father only mere days after lashing out at him. He said you impressed him and he also apologized to Kyoya. You met Kyoya's older brothers weeks later and they were intellectually impressive to you but nothing compared to Kyoya in all departments. Their wives weren't the most welcoming, but Fuyumi made sure they kept their attitudes in check because she knew in her heart that you and Kyoya were going to be together forever.

Now, you're walking to the main kitchen to check on the dinner before your friends arrive, passing by your cat, Noel, who is quite taken with Kyoya on the way. You wish you had time to cook or learn more, but you're too busy with everything else, so that's where the wonderfully helpful chefs come in.

"Hello, Miss," the young head chef, Akane, greets as she stirs a spoon around a large pot.

"Hey, is everything almost ready?" you ask, leaning on the counter.

"Yes, about twenty more minutes and everything will be prepared," she answers cheerfully. She is truly adorable when knowing the handsome former hosts are coming around.

"Okay, thank you," you respond, already moving to leave because you have to get Kyoya ready. "And if any of them flirts with you, besides a certain one, you're completely welcome to slap them."

"Thank you, Miss." Akane giggles and gets right back to work.

You wave to the assistants and slip out of the room. Checking the time, you jog through the long hallways and bound up the staircase, then through two corridors before making it to a pair of tall oak doors that lead to yours and Kyoya's office. Without knocking, you dramatically throw them open.

"Kyoya!" you sing and skip inside to see said man still in his suit from working in the hospital earlier. "Kyoya!"

"What is it?" he questions, not looking away from his computer screen.

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