Chapter 27: The Final Straw

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"Eclair Tonnerre is a noble descendent of French birth and is extremely wealthy," Kyoya informs.

"I don't care if she's a queen, Tamaki should not be spending every ounce of his time with her when we need our president here," you respond, fixing Kyoya's tie.

"It's his grandmother's direction. He can't defy her."

"He can, but he won't," you say.

"You may not like Lady Eclair, but she is here and we have to tend to her the same way as the rest of the guests, okay? She is the only one who knows where Tamaki is," he coarses.

"Whatever, just go," you say, waving him off.

Kyoya strides over to the table where Lady Eclair is sitting and you head in that direction because you don't want to miss what she says. You pretend to stroke a nearby plant as your ears pick up the conversation.

"I know you; you're one of the Ootori family's sons, aren't you? Unfortunately you're the third son, so you can never be the family's successor," Eclair calculates instantly.

He also has a crazy girlfriend who will kick your ass, you mentally remark.

"What can I do for you today, Madam?" Kyoya asks, ignoring her comments.

"You can tell me how much Haruhi Fujioka is still in debt with the Host Club," she answers.

Your mind goes blank for a few seconds at the prospects of what this woman is getting at until Kyoya calls over Haruhi and she sits with Lady Eclair. You rejoin Kyoya and have idle chatter until Eclair gets up and leaves to probably skin puppies for a fur coat. You and Kyoya walk to stand next to the table.

"Thanks for all your hard work, Haruhi," Kyoya says gently and you're confused at where he's going with this. "After that request from Lady Eclair, your debt has been paid. You're free to quit the Host Club."

Haruhi states at Kyoya with sullen eyes and you know that it's not what she expected. Something is happening with the club right now, and you're sure that's not what she needed to hear.

Strong footsteps walk past and behind you and Kyoya and your head turns to see his father and another man. You tighten your fist to keep yourself from expressing your murderous thoughts.

"When they're young, many assume they have all the time in the world, but really, that is never the case. Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value," Mr. Ootori speaks, giving you another brief glance.

Kyoya isn't looking at his father and Haruhi stands from her chair. After all the different shit you have dealt with, this is where you draw the line. Something snaps and you take one step toward Mr. Ootori.

"You don't know anything about me, about Kyoya, or this club! Kyoya works day and night to make sure your business as well as this one runs smoothly and you don't give him credit for anything," you seethe with conviction. "I have never, in my life, met someone who works as hard as Kyoya and he's one of the main reasons all of us get fulfilment from doing this.

"I don't care what you think of me, but give your son some damn recognition. Everything he does is amazing and he is the best person I know and I love him! You don't deserve to call yourself his father."

The tension stands and Mr. Ootori does not make any move to turn around and face you. Instead, he walks forward with the other man following him until they disappear out the other door. Without looking at anyone, you calmly walk toward the opposite exit and out of the room but continue through the school's hallway.


"If you're going to break up with me because I yelled at your dad and now your life is screwed, then do it," you say.

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