Chapter 21: Incognito

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"Why are you so late?" Haruhi asks as you waltz into the kitchen around ten o'clock the next morning.

"Kyoya Ootori isn't the type of person to get up before ten and waking him was incredibly difficult since he had to drive me back here. He can be pretty scary," you answer.

"Was it really that bad?"

You lean on the counter. "He was about to push me out of bed and make me leave him there, saying he'll call someone to get him around noon, then when I finally got him up, he tried to stay in his pajamas. He's like anti-Kyoya in the morning and it mildly concerns me."

Haruhi puts two pieces of bread in the toaster before replying with, "That sounds terrifying, but at least you don't have to deal with these idiots ordering food nonexistent to the menu."

"Can't argue with that," you respond. "Isn't the produce guy coming today?"

"Yeah, he should be here soon," she answers, putting together the plates of food.

You help Haruhi carry out the trays with breakfasts balancing on them for the guests, including the Host Club who are sitting at a couple of tables pushed together. You hear the front door open with the bell jingling as it does, but you pay it no mind.

"Haruhi, will you put these in the refrigerator for me?" you faintly hear Misuzu ask.

"Okay, sure," Haruhi says, apparoching the boy.

"Haruhi Fujioka?"

You finally turn toward the conversation and hold back a gasp at the sight of a boy you haven't seen in nearly three years.

"Arai," you say with a smile and immediately leave the bewildered boys to greet him with Haruhi.

"(Y/N)?" he responds. "It's great to see you guys."

"You, too. Helping out your uncle for the summer?" you question politely, reaching out to take the box of fruit.

"Yeah, so, um, these your friends?" Arai asks, gesturing to the hosts behind you both looking way too interested in your discussion.

"Oh, yeah," Haruhi answers, snapping back from whatever world she was in.

You forcefully hand the box of produce over to Misuzu so you can walk to the tables with Haruhi and Arai to introduce the guys. You vaguely notice Kyoya's odd look he's giving you, but you're too overwhelmed with joy at seeing an old friend. You end up at a table in the corner with Haruhi and Arai catching up on your lives.

"I haven't seen you since graduation," Haruhi says.

"Yeah, you cut all your hair off; that's such a shame," Arai comments.

"I don't think so. I mean, since I cut it, it has been easier to manage."

You look between Haruhi and Arai with your elbows on the table and cheeks resting in your hands with a huge smile. You know Arai had a crush on Haruhi in middle school and, although Haruhi was oblivious to his advances, you know somewhere inside she liked him, too.

"So, these guys are all in a club with you?" Arai questions you both.

"Host Club," Haruhi mumbles.

"The one with the glasses is my boyfriend," you say.

"Boyfriend? Really?" Arai asks, slightly stunned. "You were never one for those things when you were always studying."

"Times change when you meet different people," you reply.

"Shouldn't you guys be working!?" Hikaru shouts from the bar. "Jeez, it's obviously this guy has a thing for Haruhi! Or maybe (Y/N). What do you think about that, Kyoya?"

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