Chapter 1: Our Normal

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There's no such thing as a "normal" day at the Host Club. The closest thing is a moderately less weird encounter with minimal casualties along the way. These are the days without an over-the-top theme and girls flooding into Music Room #3 to be pampered by the boys' obnoxious behavior and your soothing music.

Each day, you meet up with Haruhi after your classes and walk to the Host Club together. Haruhi has all her classes with the Hitachiin Twins, so she has to shake them off long enough to sneak away to your side. You have yours with Tamaki and Kyoya, but neither of them are eager to follow you around like a puppy, not that you're complaining.

Arriving at the club room, you see the boys preparing for today's guests before they bombard you and Haruhi. They never gave you as much attention as they do Haruhi, which is fine because you're just not as "cute" as her. In actuality, your physique is pretty feminine and developed while Haruhi's is petite and delicate, although it doesn't match her personality.

You cautiously slide away and walk over to the piano in your own section so you can't be too distracted by guests. You set your bag on the side by the bench and take out your sheet music to lay on the stand.

"(Y/N)," you hear two voices sing before the twins appear at your sides.

"What?" you ask flatly, resting your hands atop the keys of the piano.

"You've been taking all of Haruhi's attention--" Kaoru starts.

"--and we want you to stop," Hikaru finishes.

"I'm not taking it, it's willingly given. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to practice before the guests arrive," you say, shooing them away.

"You might regret that," the twins chorus in sync before slipping away.

"I'm sure I will," you mock and focus back on the sheet music.

You mumble through the notes under your breath once before letting your fingertips dance across the keys. You unconsciously tap your foot and gently sway your body to the tune of the music as it resonates throughout the room and ignore your friends' loudness.

"(Y/N)! Is that Moonlight Sonata!?" Tamaki exclaims, running over to stand in front of the piano.

"Yup, in C sharp minor," you reply casually.

"I noticed you've been playing a lot more of Beethoven lately. I can share my genius of his pieces with you if you're interested," he offers with a flirtatious smile.

"No thanks, Suoh. I think I can manage them on my own. I'll be playing Fur Elise later, by the way," you mention.

"Fur Elise!" Tamaki praises dramatically. "The most famous and devine composed piece of art ever created. Only simply the best pianists could truly bring justice to its profound beauty."

"I guess you won't ever be playing it then," you snidely remark.

Tamaki's eyes fill with tears and he lets out a piercing wail of anguish. You roll your eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm kidding, Tamaki. You're a wonderful pianist."

Tamaki grins widely and the tears vanish as if they were never there. He rushes over and engulfs you in a tight hug that causes your fingers to slip from the keys.

"I knew you were lying, my little possum!" Tamaki gushes.

"A possum!?" you shriek, attempting to detach the blonde from your body. "I'm not a damn animal!"

"Tamaki, the guests are arriving. Also, resist from breaking our music producer. She's not insured," Kyoya says from across the room as he writes in his black notebook.

Tamaki finally releases you from his grasp and falls into that suave pretty-boy prince facade he puts on. You push your hair back to make it look presentable while glaring at the wall before straightening your back and continuing your piano playing.

You mostly listen to your notes, but the sounds of about twenty girls rushing into the room kind of drowns out your concentration, but you stay professional and continue letting your hands drifts across the black and white keys with song after song.

When it comes time for your break, you stand and bow at the round of applause you're accustomed to receiving each day and waltz over to the snack table that's littered with loads of treats. You pick out your favorite dessert and get as far away from the others as possible to enjoy the sweetness in peace, but that is easier said than done.


You look down and see Honey gazing up at you with those big eyes while clutching his stuffed bunny. You spot Mori behind him as well.

"You're coming to karate on Wednesday, right?" Honey asks excitedly.

"Yes, as usual," you answer, then crane your neck up to the tall, stone-faced teen. "Mori, don't you have a kendo tournament this weekend?"

"Yeah," Mori shortly replies.

"Do you ever get bored of it since you always win?"

"No, it's fun," he says monotonously.

You chuckle as it's hard to imagine Mori showing the expression of 'fun' on his face. After a short conversation, Honey and Mori stroll off to attend to their next clients as you finish your food and walk back to the piano. You sit and begin on Fur Elise as planned with optimal precision.

You're halfway through the piece as you perform it in A minor when Kyoya shows up on the side of the piano. You don't waver in your fluent nature when you make eye-contact with Kyoya instead of watching your hands or the sheet music.

"What's up?" you ask.

Kyoya makes a very subtle impressed face at the fact that you're able to play such a difficult scale without focusing at all on what you're doing, but he shouldn't be surprised since you are a prodigy.

"I wanted to inform you that the music tomorrow should be more light and upbeat. We're having a themed event outside," he informs.

"I was wondering what the cherry blossom trees were about, now I know," you respond. "Traditional Japanese theme?"

"Precisely. You have to wear a kimono as well." Kyoya pushes up his glasses as he waits for your reaction.


"It's non-negotiable," he smugly states. "You work for us, so you must follow our rules."

"Well, forcing me to pay some type of kimono rental fee--as I'm sure you will--is against the law. I won't pay it, so I suggest getting me something else to wear," you say factually.

"The only other outfit is the serving ones The Twins, Tamaki, and I will be wearing," Kyoya reluctantly replies, realizing that you have outsmarted him. Not that it's the first time.

"Perfect. I like a nice waistcoat."

Knowing you've won, you turn your attention back to the symphony just as the last note rings out of the instrument. One thing you've learned over the past year is that Kyoya Ootori will say anything to get people to do what he wants, but you're not fooled that easily. There is always a loophole in every contract and Kyoya knows you're always going to find it within his words no matter how hard he tries to deceive you.

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