Chapter 2- School & Party

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Happy New Year! Did any one else 2013 go fast, mine did! Thanks! Sorry I said I updated at about 8 o'clock but it was after one, it's my first time writing and I couldn't figure it out.

------------Sydney's P.O.V.--------------

I get to school in less than twenty minutes and I'm walking to my locker to get my stuff for first period, math. I'm hoping nobody bothers me, but I have probably  just jinxed myself.

"Hey nerd, stop right there!"

That's Widen our soon-to-be-alpha, he's friend with my brother and he's a jock just like him. He's also a man-who're and sleeps with every girl that has blobs and legs. I have to do everything he says, for one thing he's soon to be alpha and I'm at the bottom of the totem pole and I have to do everything everyone else says.

"Yes, Alpha?"

I tried not to sound annoyed and he always makes everyone call him alpha.

"Don't sound like that and make sure to have everything ready for the party tonight."

Today is his 18th birthday, the day all were males find their mate, or the time to start looking for theirs. Since I'm an omega I have to get the party ready. I kind of feel bad for whoever his mate, because he's rude and doesn't really care about anyone else.

"Yes Alpha, I will have everything ready to go and be set up for your once in a life time 18th birthday party."

"Better be."

Thank you for saying thank you (note the sarcasm). Everyone has forgotten my birthday since my parents died and that was when I was twelve, fourteen was the age you shifted. How could I have saved my parents, I couldn't even shift! I finally got to my locker and got my stuff for math. I was the first one into the room, after the teacher, of course, and said my greetings to him. Mr. Minders was a middle aged guy, that was sometimes cranky, but usually pretty kind to me.

My morning classes rolled by and lunch came around. When I got to the cafeteria I got into the line quickly and got a sandwich, yogurt, and a bottle of water. I then left as quickly as possible, hopefully not getting "caught" with the food. I made it outside to my favorite tree. I always sit under it, eating my lunch.

I finished my lunch and started heading to my seventh period class, English. English is my least favorite class, but it has the nicest teacher. She isn't married, and call me a teacher's pet, and I'm her favorite student, well in my period I am at least.

After my afternoon classes I head "home" to get ready for the party, which I'm not allowed to go to. I start putting up the decorations and then start making the food for everyone. When I'm done I go upstairs to go to my "room" and read. My room is basically a closet. It has enough room for a bed and dresser but that's it. I have my own bathroom because everyone else doesn't want to see my stuff in their bathroom. 

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