Impossible Chances

Start bij het begin

The young woman looked up at the Dwarf and gave him a nod of thanks as everyone else made their way in. The last to come through the entrance was Thorin, and his coat was in flames. Talia screamed as Thorin rolled onto the ground, disposing of his coat in the process. He made his way up, appearing to be undamaged. "Come on." he pressed, now taking the lead.

The company had been sneaking through the tunnels for what felt like a while now. The sounds of Smaug's roars and footsteps had ceased. The room was quiet and dim. Despite the calm surroundings, Talia still had to control her breathing. She hated to admit it, but she was still very...very afraid. She still felt like the dragon could crash into them at any moment.

Thorin put his hand in the air and shushed the company, signaling them to stop. "We've given him the slip." Dori said.

"No. He's too cunning for that." Dwalin whispered lowly.

Talia swallowed a nerve. "So where are we supposed to go now?" she dared to ask.

"The western guardroom. There may be a way out." Thorin whispered.

"It's too high. There's no chance that way." Balin argued.

"It's our only chance." Thorin countered. "We have to try."

The leader began to make his way out of the tunnel and onto a stone bridge, beckoning the others to follow him across. They were all tiptoeing down the bridge when they heard a sudden clanging sound. The company froze immediately. They all turned to Talia, who was checking her jacket pockets to see if any coins had managed to sneak their way into the folds. But then she looked up.

Talia looked up and put a hand over her mouth to prevent a gasp. Smaug was walking right above them, gold coins were falling from his body. The young woman looked forward to see Thorin silently beckoning the company to start moving once again. Talia could feel the goosebumps on her body as well as the sweat on her forehead. She couldn't even breathe a sigh of relief when they made it across the bridge. She just wanted to get out.

"Stay close." she could hear Thorin say. They were running now. They were entering the guardroom when they froze in place at what they saw. Talia covered her mouth with her hand and felt a sting in her eye. Laying before the company, were multiple Dwarf corpses, and they were covered with dust and cobwebs.

"That's it, then. There's no way out." Dwalin said.

"The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping beyond hope. We could try to reach the mines. We might last a few days." Balin lamented.

Thorin took a step forward towards the bodies. "No. I will not die like this. Cowering. Clawing for breath." He turned to face the company. "We make for the forges."

"He'll see us, sure as death." Dwalin warned.

"Not if we split up." Thorin countered.

"Thorin, we'll never make it." Balin said.

"Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. And if this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!" Thorin declared.

Thorin split up the company into separate groups. Talia, Thorin, and Balin were the first to run out of the tunnel and towards the forges. "This way!" Thorin shouted, drawing the attention of the dragon.

"Flee! Flee! Run for your lives! There is nowhere to hide." Smaug taunted. The three of them stopped in the middle of the bridge. The dragon began to open his mouth when a voice called out.

"Behind you!" Dori shouted. The second group had come into the dragon's sight. Smaug turned around to go after them, allowing the first group to continue running and eventually escape. Talia was running with Balin and Thorin when she could feel a heat all around her. Smaug must have released more flames into the atmosphere.

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