Thirster 2467: 8.

Start from the beginning

She goes through the clothes and finds a regular black t-shirt. Marilyn grabs a medium and slithers through the crowd going to the cashier and purchasing it.

After buying it she decides to stop at a cafe and have a cup of coffee with a croissant. Thoughts were running through her head, her fingers grazing the glassy mug.

If they ever find out she's helping the vampire... she's screwed. She wonders what they'll do to her, hand her to thirsty vampires to feast on or kick her in the curb leaving her homeless. 

Marilyn rubs her temples with her fingers, sighing at the thought of it. What has she gotten herself into. There's this some kind of energy attracting her to the vampire, helping him for no reason.

Eventually she kicks her seat out from under her and she stands up. She grabs all of her belongings and leaves the coffee while it still steaming.

After waiting for an uber she arrived back to Area 75, passing through the guards and back in her safe warm room. She changes out of her clothes into comfy ones and rips the tag out of the shirt she bought for Pierce.

A knock echoes and Marilyn gasps, turning around and hiding the shirt behind her back.

"Uh-um come' in." Lee sticks her head in, a shy smile appearing on her lips.

"Good afternoon. I heard you come in from my room." Marilyn's heart slowly paces down when she realizes that it's just Lee.

"Oh." Marilyn runs her clammy hands through the thin fabric of the shirt, nervousness coursing through her veins.

"How was outside? Haven't been out of this place in a while." Marilyn shrugs her shoulders.

"Same o' same. It's cold and crowded with grumpy people." That makes Lee laugh while Marilyn bites her bottom lip.

"Maybe one weekend we can go out together."

"I guess unless you cancel on me because the doctors always need your help."

"Marilyn I'm sorry that was a while ago, honey."

"It always ends up like that."

"I'll make it up to you." She slowly turns around to leave Marilyn alone but Marilyn calls her name. Lee turns around awkwardly clenching onto the door.

"Why are you guys abusing vampires?"

"We aren't abusing them, we are getting revenge."

"Then why not just kill them besides keeping them locked here."

"Because we aren't just keeping them captive. We are trying to find a cure." Marilyn lifts an eyebrow in curiosity?

"A cure? All my life here I haven't heard any of you guys talk about a cure."

"Because we have failed miserably and never found one."

"What will happen if you guys even find a cure?" Marilyn asks her and Lee sighs.

"I don't know we've even used antibiotics on them that we use on ourselves and other drugs but it all evaporates in their blood like nothing has happened."

"Maybe you need to pump their hearts because they don't breath."

"We've tried everything."

"Well everything wasn't enough. There's definitely other things to use." Marilyn thinks of ways to find a cure but her mind is blank. What would happen if there is a cure and Pierce becomes human?

"Either way they are an abolishment to the world and they have no humanity."

"You don't know that."

"Oh I sure do because last time I checked a group of them slaughtered your whole family."

"Maybe there's different vampires out there. They all aren't the same you know."

"Trust me they all are the same." Lee ends the conversation like that and shuts the door. Marilyn sits down on the edge of her bed, running her fingers over the t-shirt.

"Not all are the same." She mumbles to herself while thinking of the vampire locked up waiting for her presence.


So basketball is killing me and school is stressing me out. Someone help :(

Next chapter is going to be involved with your favorite man lol.

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