Thirster 2467: 27.

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Marilyn waits but she opens her eyes when nothing happens and the gun is off her. Dr. Sammis stood in front of her with Pierce's arm around his neck. 

"Drop the gun." Pierce whispers in his ear through gritted teeth. Marilyn moves out of the way so Dr. Sammis doesn't do anything quick and shoot her. Dr. Sammis gasps for air but doesn't let go. Pierce purses his lips into a thin line  and uses his other hand to grab it out of his grip. He tosses it across the floor and pulls Dr. Sammis close to him. 

Pierce pushes him into the room when he hears soldiers and Agent Doloman from far. 

"Marilyn come' on and shut the door." They all go into the room and before shutting the door Marilyn looks at Lee. Her throat becomes tight and before she feels tears grow in her eyes she shuts the door. 

Pierce pushes Dr. Sammis down on a chair roughly and grabs his walkie-talkie. Marilyn locks the door and presses her ear against the it. 

"Sammis, where are you?" Agent Doloman says through the walkie-talkie. Pierce brings the device up to Dr. Sammis lips. 

"Tell them you left the area." Pierce demands but Dr. Sammis doesn't say anything but gaze at him. "Tell him!" He shouts louder, grabbing one of his fingers and breaking his bone. Dr. Sammis holds in a yelp by biting his tongue in pain. 

Pierce holds down the button to respond and Dr. Sammis licks his lips that are covered in his sweat. 

"I evacuated." He responds before Pierce let's go of the button.

"Okay checking the halls. Marilyn is-" Pierce crushes the walkie-talkie in his grasp and drops the remains on the ground. Marilyn hears Agent Doloman and soldiers jog past the door and down the hall. When their voices vanish she turns to Pierce and Dr. Sammis. They're staring at each other with anger within their eyes. 

Marilyn ignores them and goes to the vaccine fridge where the cure is in. She sees that the lock is still on and Marilyn groans. 

"Where is the key?"

"To what." Dr. Sammis says to her. Marilyn points at the lock on the fridge and Pierce furrows his eyebrows. 

"What's that?" He asks and when Dr. Sammis tries to stand from sitting Pierce pushes him back down. 

"The cure for vampirism." Marilyn says to him slowly. Pierce stares at her with an expressionless look on his face. 

"That's impossible."

"Well it's right here in front of you." Marilyn ignores Pierce and gazes at Dr. Sammis. "Key now."

"I don't have it. It's in my office." He replies back annoyed after rolling his eyes. Pierce sighs and walks to the fridge, grabbing the lock and tugging it. The metal pieces break apart and he tosses it on the floor. Marilyn opens the latch and a cold breeze escapes the fridge when she opens it. 

She slowly picks up a vial and examines the cure. It looks like a normal liquid medicine that you inject into someone. She grabs a bag and starts putting the other vials in it. 

"You think that's going to be enough for every vampire in the world?" Dr. Sammis says while chuckling to himself. Marilyn stops and turns to him. 

"Then tell me you dick where the list of ingredients are."

"No." Pierce grabs his index finger and snaps it to the side. Marilyn flinches after hearing the bone crack. Dr. Sammis grips the handle of the chair with his other hand and takes a deep breath. 

"In the draw on the left." He blurts out and Marilyn proceeds her way there. She opens the draw and scavenges through the papers until she finds it. She folds it up and slips it in her back pocket. 

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