"AAH!!" Neptune jumped 3ft into the air, taking the blanket up with her, falling off the bed and knocking off the now startled Uni off with her.

"W-What happened!? What's going on! I'm awake!" Uni said both confused and scared as Histoire floated into the room.

"Neptune, you have a growing pile of work on your desk, you had better get it done by the dinner or you won't get your pudding after dinner". Histoire left the room leaving Neptune with a surged feeling of laziness, and an alarmed wide awake Uni.

"S-Sorry for waking you Uni".

"It's fine Neptune, I didn't mean to fall asleep anyways". Neptune got up whilst letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Ugh... I guess I have to go work or Histy will yell at me again". Uni got up, fixing up the blanket on the bed, and turned to Neptune.

"Do you want some help Neptune?"

"DO I!- *Cough* I mean.. S-sure. Hehe". Uni giggled at Neptune and followed her to the CPU's abode.

Histoire watched as Uni was armlocked with the CPU and leaning on Neptune's shoulder and neck (cuz they're kinda the same height), sighing as if she were giving up.

First Nepgear spoils her and now Uni... I had such high hopes...


Neptune and Uni walked out of Neptune's quarters, both carrying papers from their work period.

"Thanks for helping Uni! You're so quick at working". Neptune lauded to Uni as they walked down the Planeptower halls.

"Well that's just because I wanted to be praised by Noire". Uni stated.

"Hehe, Noire should praise you more~". Neptune started petting Uni's head, which both gave the candidate happy and frustrated feelings.

"D-Dont pet me Neptune, we still have-". Uni blushed at the petting before weakly pushed Neptune away from her.

"But that cute little face of yours says otherwise~". Neptune dropped the paper she was carrying in one hand, the pages swaying everywhere in the hallway.

Uni stared at Neptune with a 'you should have listened' face. Neptune looked back guiltily before making an 'I'm sorry face'. Uni watched and Neptune crouched down on the floor, picking up page after page trying to sort it out, with a slight smile of amusement. She was happy, seeing she would never experience life comedy like this in Lastation, which then made her think about her past from this point. The endless effort she put into besting her own sister, the countless hours she spent learning different tricks and shortcuts to doing things faster, but she never seemed to get anywhere. That life didn't have any room for the life comedy that Nepgear experienced on her daily, the laughs and giggles they all shared whilst the lastation candidate worked herself to exhaustion. All the fun their neighbouring country harbored within the small walls of the tower. It was... refreshing... to her. To get away from the work, the writing, the endless studying which never seemed to amount to anything.

Neptune had about a quarter of her pages in her arms before they slipped away again, all scattering to the floor.

"Dang it, hey Uni could you help me?" Neptune turned to Uni to catch the tear that fell down the candidate's cheek.

Neptune stood up looking at her girlfriend, a little confused at what was going on.

"U-Uni are you ok?" The candidate came to, she quickly wiped the tear from her face, blinking rapidly realising she was getting emotional.

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