Chapter two

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Daniel's point of view

I walk down the pavement with my hoodie on and my gaze downcast. It's been eight days since the embarrassing eye-contact with Mr. God-Body. Eight, long days. In the five months I've know his schedule, I have not once missed his work-out days. But in just eight days, I have not only missed one but three of his work-outs. Every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the past 5 months, I've walked down here like a lovesick puppy. And today being Tuesday, you can imagine my low spirits.

So I drag myself down to the football-field, though I'm really not in the mood, but the dogs haven't been able to run without leashes in the 8 days that's passed, so they're really about to blow up. When I reach the football-field, I check the time out of habit and let go of a deep exhale. '9.45 pm, God, I really hate old habits'. Well, today being Tuesday and all, I don't even check the gym but walk directly toward the grass. When we reach the grass, I detach the leashes and in a matter of seconds, the dogs're running off. I slowly follow behind with my hoodie still on and my hand deep in my pockets. I close my eyes for a brief second and when I open them again and look for my dogs, they're nowhere to be seen. "Toffee, Nomi" I wait a second and listen for the familiar sounds of their dog-tags clapping, but nothing. I'm slowly getting a little worried. "TOFFEE, NOMI! Come on guys!" still nothing. O.K. now I really panic. I run toward the parking-lot; my biggest fear's that they run out on the road. It might be a small town I live in but the roads have bad lighting and we do have the mandatory young guys driving around like madmen.

When I reach the parking-lot, I see both Toffee and Nomi jumping happily up the legs of some guy. I let go of a breath, I didn't know I was holding, "Oh God! Thank you thank you thank you! For a second, I thought they're out on the road. We all know how irresponsibly young people drive on these roads". I let out a short laughter as I try to be funny while I squat to put the dogs' leashes back on. I finally look up to my saviour and all I can see, is the cutest smile ever on a dimly lit face with a black beanie on top. There's something strangely familiar about the guy's smile but as soon as the dogs start jumping up his legs again, I forget all about his smile. "I am so sorry! They kinda love people! Thank you so much once again! You really are my saviour".

I begin walking past him to get home which results in him turning around with me and he gets wrapped even more in darkness. 'Damn, I really wanted to see his face' I can think with an inwarded frown. "Well thanks again. And uhm.. Have a nice evening" I say as I finally turn around to leave, but I'm stopped by a voice that sounds like it belongs to a fallen angel, "Wait! Sorry, I didn't catch you name!" I turn around and for a second, I consider whether or not to give him my name but really, what can possible happen? So I stretch my hand and put a welcoming smile on my face, "Daniel. My name is Daniel" and the stranger takes my hand in his and it feels like a shock runs through my hand when he squeezes it. "It's nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm Mads". His smile has suddenly become shyer but I still can't see his face. "Well, maybe I'll see you around?" I say as I drop his oh-so-warm and gentle hand and turn around to leave. "Sooner rather than later, I hope" is the last think I hear before I round a corner.

Mr. God-body at the gym (mxm/bxb) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now