What Will She Say?

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Chloe POV

"Beca, I found the perfect apartment!" I yell through the halls of her dads house.

"Show me!" She screams galloping through the hallway. I smile and show the pictures of the $385 a week apartment.

"Look at the kitchen!" She screams in excitement at the perfect kitchen.

"And the extra study for all your-" I say before she cuts me off.

"DJ EQUIP! OH MY GOD! How can we go see it? Can we see it today?" She asks me like a little kid wanting ice cream.

"Uhm, it says there is inspections at 3 and it's 2 now so we'll have to leave in 20 minutes!" I say rushing to get some decent clothes on. Beca just chucks on a hoodie and jeans with boots. She doesn't even have to try and look good. She ties her hair back in a bun and I'm still stuck figuring out what to wear.

"Becaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I groan staring at my collection of clothes I've spread out.

"Okay, the tights with the blue top and I think you should wear your brown ankle boots." She explains after a few minutes of testing out clothes on me. I quickly change and throw my hair up in a high ponytail. Beca grabs the keys and we sprint to the car in record speed.

Danni POV

I wake up with a slight headache and look over to Erin. Wait who is that guy with her? I stand up and choke at the sight of him. Donald. I scream, waking the obviously hungover pair. Erin turns groggily to face Donald. To my surprise, she smiles.

"Hi Donald." She says smiling. This is a seriously bad hangover. Worst I've seen.

"Hey Erin." He replies returning an identical smile. Deciding to ignore this situation, I grab a towel and my jeans and t shirt before rushing to the showers.

Erin POV

Well, everybody has there secret, right? Mine, I've been keeping it to my self for ever since I came to Barden. It was activities fair, and in an attempt to hide from Chloe so she didn't bombard me with Bella fliers, I went behind this old building and that's where I met Donald. He started flirting with me and I flirted back, cause I thought he was hot and all. Things started moving fast and so that we didn't get judged, we decided to keep it a secret. We met up everyday basically and until the party last night, we'd kept it under wraps pretty good. Donald had originally asked me to tell everyone. Now, if they remember the party, everybody knows. Stacie was kind of jealous at first, because she's always had a thing for Donald. But she found Unicycle and made Aubrey mega-super-uber jealous. Jam packed night.

Chloe POV

So we just finished looking at the apartment, and it is literally PERFECT. Everything! It's a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom and underneath we have 2 car spaces and a garage. All for an amazing price. Gee, I sound like an infomercial...

"So they said they'd get back to us tomorrow about the house." Beca smiles pressing play on the stereo. Borrow My Heart by Taylor Henderson beats throughout the car speakers.

"Where did you find this song?" I ask loudly through the sound.

"What! I can't hear you because the awesomest song ever is too loud!" She yells. I shake my head and look out the window, wondering how the hell I found somebody so amazing.

Jesse POV

"I love you Aubrey." I'd just say it. Like that, Casual, quick, simple. But then she wouldn't find it meaningful. Ugh, how am I supposed to say this to her. I know I've fallen for a girl once again, and this time I'm not sure if she even wants to be with me. This whole romance and everything with Chloe and, dare I say, Beca has really taken her aback. I'm going to her dorm right now. To tell her how I really feel. I'm in love. Screw what they think. There's no stupid oath anymore. Right now there is only one thing stopping us from being together, her dad. Henry Paul Posen.

***Aubrey's Dorm***

"Jesse! I'm sorry I haven't been answering you lately, just got a lot going on." Aubrey explains as I walk into her space. "Are you okay Jesse?"

"Yeah yeah! Actually no I'm not. Aubrey," I say holding her hand in mine. "I love you."


A Sequel to Pitch PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now