Chapter Eighteen

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Thanksgiving went along perfectly. Gemma, Harry's sister, had shown up early that morning and Anne cried while they all had a group hug, which I was eventually called over to join. She was nice, but intimidating. I was glad she came though, Harry was stressing about it every day. Thanksgiving dinner was exactly like I had imagined a family dinner would be, everyone sitting around a wooden table with the turkey in the center. His mom makes some darn good mashed potatoes and stuffing and the turkey we picked out she had cooked to perfection. The next few weeks went by like a blur. We watched movies almost every day and went out to dinner a few times to mix things up. The first snowfall was magical. We woke up that morning and I felt like I had known that it had snowed overnight. I had ran to the window and squealed and threw a pillow at Harry to wake him up to show him the white covered ground. Harry showed me this place we could go ice skating one day, and he found it hilarious to watch me fall on my ass every five minutes. Before we both knew it, it was Christmas Eve. 

"Finley," Harry whispered while putting his hand on my lower back to try to shake me awake. "Wake up."

"I'm up, I'm up," my morning voice croaked back while I rubbed my eyes.

"Let's go get breakfast, I'm hungry," he said as I sat up.

"Let me get dressed and we can go," I replied letting my feet dangle off the edge of the bed before they touched the cold wood.

When we walked into the diner, the familiar sound of the bell rung and Harry led us to a booth with his hand on my waist. I hid my face behind a menu while deciding what to get as Harry stacked up sugar packets into a small tower.

"Do you already know what you're getting?" I asked setting down my menu.

"I get the same thing every time," he smiled down at his little fort.

"Don't you like to try anything new?" I laughed threatening to use my hand to knock it over.

"Yes and no," he laughed using his hands to protect his fortress. I scrunched my nose and gave up. 

"You're giving me that look," he said taking his eyes off his tower.

"What look?" I pressed me lips together.

"You're irritated, I can tell," he said poking my nose and I relaxed it.

"Whatever," I sighed leaning back in my side of the booth. 

"Anne and Gemma are going out tonight."


"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't wanna go considering it's gonna be pretty lame," he laughed.

"And how do you suppose we have fun?" I teased.

"Well, my high school dealer is in town," he teased and I raised my eyebrow. "I gave him a call and he said he'd hook me up. Us up."

"Let's make it more interesting," I smiled.

"How?" He said raising his eyebrow at me.

"Got any brownie mix?" I smiled and he laughed and nodded his head.

We sat on the couch and Anne and Gemma waved goodbye as they left. I raised my eyebrow at Harry as the door shut behind them. He smiled and we both got up and raced to the kitchen. Making the brownies took way too long and as I slowly put them in the oven, I let out a sigh of relief. Never has making brownies been so stressful. We laid back on the couch and watched an episode of Skins, which Harry had introduced me to, while we waited for the timer to go off and took turns scooping out the leftover brownie mix with our fingers. Harry let me lick the brownie mix off his fingers every now and then and then we washed out the bowl. When the brownies were done, I put on the oven mitts and took them out. I stuck a toothpick in to test them and then licked the end of it when I saw they were done. He turned on the radio and we waited a few extra minutes for them to cool down. 

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