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Unchallenged in my ligual life, unchanged in my own. In each and every aspect of my presence, I am exhausted. I am tired of the same, I am tired of the unending circle of chaos that is brought forth by reckless minds and ruthless souls.
Are grades a measure of my intelligence? I have 6% in my Language Arts class, it's fallen steadily from 17% for the past 2 weeks. Does that seem just? Maybe it is, since I cannot bring myself to write purposelessly. It is the fact that I cannot pursue something I do not feel purpose in that accounts for my letter grade of failing. I am not learning. I am near halfway through the year and I've seen no change. I've felt no improvement. In time, I aspire to be a writer, journalist, and musician. At this point I know who I am and what I believe, yet I know there is knowledge to be acquired, opinions still to be formed. But I see no future in those fields of my interest if my education does not educate me.
Assignment after assignment, forcing me to write essays upon essays about things I feel no reason for. I understand that in our existence we as people in today's society must overcome things we do not desire to do, but if we are forced to do so for at least 6 years (middle school through high school) without any choice of what it is we write, it becomes tiresome, demotivational. I've known many people who used to adore English, but it was ruined completely by a lousy teacher, or a class they could not bring themselves to enjoy. The same goes for me, though I still adore learning the art of the English language. I want to learn, to expand my vocabulary and extent of my thoughts, yet does writing pointless essay after pointless essay for years on end help with that? For some, maybe. Practice improves patience, practice improves performance. But does practice kill passion? In many cases, it does.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that we all simply cease practicing our written language, that would be a contradiction of everything I am and stand for. What I am suggesting is that America's school system is flawed. Instead of holding every student to the same standards, we should let them choose their field of interest, let them have some sense of freedom, since it is their life, their future on the line. I speak from experience, and shared desire for a higher level of satisfaction in my education.

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