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I wait for a release from being so young. I am tormented by people and places in my everyday life, in a way I cannot describe, as it is much more interior than exterior, as are my motives.
The repetitive, never ending cycle of my mind and body, every single day of my life.
I've heard it before, I know nothing of the "real world", as many would call it, but I have a thirst, hunger, a deep, unfulfillable yearning for my own life.
It's difficult to understand, or think, or adapt when you're told your thinking is not valid, or that your adaptations do not count.
This is not a struggle because it continues, it is a struggle because I cannot change it. And in writing this I feel selfish, I think of those who have it worse, those who tough it out. I understand I am not the center of the universe, I do realize I'm but a blip of existence in this vast timeline, but I do feel compelled to write about how I do feel within my short presence on our planet, so in that, I hope that what you as a reader take away from my innermost thoughts, is that we are all similar in patterns and understanding, just with varying subjects, language, level, learning, strengths, etc. We are all human. We deserve to pick and choose our connections and how we decide to go about them.

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