Just For One Night

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I N T R O D U C T I O N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

El's POV

*El's Dream*

"Come on man, one more bag. Then I'm off for good"

"I've heard that line before Kane"

"This time I meant it man. One more bag."

Kane looked me in my eyes and I call tell he was telling the truth.

So I handed him the bag

*End of El's Dream*

I woke up in a cold sweat; I'm used to it by now. My actions haunt me in my sleep every night. Like a daily routine, it never misses a day. Even in my fucking naps. I angrily ran my hands through my hair and got out of bed and glanced at the clock. It read 2 am. Great! I'm definitely not going back to sleep anytime soon. I threw on some sweats, t-shirt, and my 3's and climbed out my bedroom window.

I walked over next door and rang the doorbell.

My beautiful best friend Jess opened the door, looking exhausted I felt so bad for constantly waking her up because of my stupid nightmares and she doesn't even know what causes them, I feel bad about that too.

I wake her up probably 5 days a week to stay up with me and she doesn't even know why. I stared at her as she opened the door; she really is beautiful even when she's tired. Her striking red and blonde hair was put into a messy bun; she had on shorts and a tank top revealing her sleeve of tattoos. She has glowing hazel colored eyes that changed color according to the weather and her mood. I found myself staring into her eyes and they looked auburn at the moment, meaning she was tired. I instantly felt bad.

"Maybe I should just go home. You look like you need your rest." I said turning to walk away.

But she grabbed my arm and sleepily said "shut up big head and get in here. You can try sleeping with me tonight instead of keeping me up all night." she said with a sleepy smile.

"No. I still might have the nightmare."

"Which is?"

"Forget It." I said quickly, regretting coming here in the first place. She sensed my uncomfortably and pulled me into a hug

"Sorry." she said" I forgot"

"Its okay" I said as I was being dragged upstairs

She climbed into her bed first, and I just stood there like a dangling idiot.

"Get in El. I don't bite. Hard."

I chuckled and took of my shirt, sweats, and sneakers and climbed in beside her.

"You know you're really heavy? The whole left side of my be just dipped like 6 ft'." she said

The mention of 6 ft made me shiver. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her waist, and whispered

"Goodnight Jess. I love you."

Goodnight big head. I love you too."

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