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"Reita..." I moaned from under the covers. My arms were stretched out on either side of me, nails digging into the sheets.

"Um, good morning ?" I heard someone tentatively say.

The embarrassment of this moment was enough to shock me awake. I wrested out of the various sheets and comforters that snaked around me, finally coming face to face with Ruki himself, standing over the bed with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay Aoi? Your face is a bit... Red."

I stood up and raced to the wardrobe that held a giant mirror on the very back. Flinging open the cabinets, I saw that my face was red, very red.


"Yeah, Ruki. I see."

I latched onto either side of the cabinet doors, staring at my reflection. My hair had major bed head, my sweatpants were baggy and loose and the T-shirt I wore had various holes in it from cigarette ashes.

"Should I go?" He asked, the look still clearly etched into his face.

"Do you want to watch me change?"

He quickly shuffled to the door, taking care not the slam it as he left.

"I'll take that as a no..."


"Aoi, do you think I should buy these?"

Ruki sat on the couch next to me, sitting barefoot and cross legged with his laptop in his face.

He tilted the computer to the side to show me a pair of black and silver bug-eyed sunglasses. They looked a bit too big for his rather small face.. Way too big.

"Um, sure Ruki. Whatever you want."

"I like them a lot, and I need new glasses. It is almost summer anyways..."

I rolled my eyes, "almost summer" in Ruki's eyes was the middle of February, when frost still covered my car windshield.

"Mhm, did you break your last pair or something?"

"Reita did, don't ask."

"Honestly, the only reason things break around here is because of Reita."

Ruki nodded, still scrolling. The bright lighting of his laptop illuminating his face and the blank look he wore.

"I'm gonna take a shower."

I got up from the couch looking back to see Ruki, still expressionless and scrolling.


Ruki had a large circular bathtub in the center of his bathroom. Various brightly colored shampoo bottles, Buddha sculptures and ashtrays lined the bath. The shower curtain had a large Emperor Dragon that snaked around it, huge flowers also designed it.

Removing my clothes, I looked at my refection in the large mirror to the left of the bath. I was handsome, I told myself.

Finally, I turned on the bath, letting the water run and turning it a bit hotter than I usually would. The bathroom quickly steamed up.

I had been setting in the tub for maybe 10 minutes before a slight sound of the door being unlocked startled me.


No reply.

"Ruki, did you open the door?"

Still nothing.

An eerie vibe I got from whole thing willed me to close the shower curtain and scoot the very furthest corner of the tub.

"If you're playing, its not funny anymore!"

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