capture the criminal

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"Cecilia sweetie, are you awake?" Her mom asked, as she peeked into her room. She'd fallen asleep hours ago, but always woke easily so woke to her mothers voice.

"Uh, yes I am now." Cecilia said, coming up from under the covers. Her mother smiled and walked over to feel her forehead and then frowned. Apparently she felt too hot. She pulled her thermometer out and took Cecilia's temperature, and it ended up being two degrees too high.

"No school for you today, honey. I wish I could stay home to take care of you but I have to go to work. I'll try to be home by three, alright?" Her mother said, with concern. Cecilia never was sick, she was surprised herself. She didn't actually expect to be sick, she just thought she could act her way out of it. Once her mother, father, and siblings all left she got out of bed and decided to head to the prison, or "containment center." She felt really weak, but she trudged through it.

Sneaking around the grounds was more scary than before, with the risk of Heather or her father seeing her or being caught going into the building. She was good at talking her way out of things, so it'd probably be alright. Once she walked up to their door and knocked, they looked out their window and opened up.

"Aren't you suppose to be at school?" Quin asked, Cecilia nodded and Quin didn't ask much more about that.

"I have to show you guys something. But you have to promise to not freak out and definitely not mention anything, and I mean anything, about this to Heather. She'll have to figure out on her own." Cecilia requested, they all hesitantly agreed. She turned her phone on and played the video, not wanting to even listen to the audio herself. They all listened, pretty shocked. They all knew he was a bad person, but it was hard to imagine him being that bad.

"How'd you even manage to record all this?" Quin asked after the video concluded.

"I distracted him, but that's not what really matters right now. What matters is I actually think we've got enough dirt on him to shut this place down and clear all the locals names." Cecilia said, smiling a bit with pride in her work.

"Heather would wanna help out too. You should tell her." Quin said.

"No, she'll be too upset. I have to handle this on my own." Cecilia insisted, getting ready to leave now that she'd updated on them on everything going down.

"Wait, can I come too? I wanna help out!" Quinn asked, Cecilia grumbled but agreed. She didn't wanna upset Quin or have her somehow contact Heather and tell her what Cecilia wouldn't.

"You have to be really quiet, Quin. If I'm caught sneaking you out we'll both be dead." Cecilia warned, Quin rolled her eyes but followed along anyways. They waited for the guards to turned their backs so they could run out. They continued running down the parking lot until they got to the side of the road, where nobody could see who they were.

"Fuck, fuck. Let's take a break, please." Cecilia said, sitting down and gripping her leg. Quin didn't say anything even though she was full of energy and ready to go. Cecilia sighed, sensing Quin being a bit annoyed. She knew it was hard for people to have to slow down for her all the time. She forced herself to get up so they could continue their walk to the police station. Quin felt a bit uneasy going into the police station, figuring they'd definitely remember her face.

"Hello ladies, how could I help you today?" The secretary asked them.

"Hello sir, we were wondering if we could discuss some private matters with the chief." Cecilia asked, the secretary laughed.

"What matters would he have to discuss with two teenage girls?" He sarcastically asked.

"Very, very important ones. Go get him, now." Quin said, very sternly to try to make him uneasy. It worked, even though he didn't look very nervous. Out came the chief, who wasn't very chief like. Well, he was a believable enough looking police officer but he was smoking inside and eating a donut, so he didn't have the professionalism area down.

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