She looked down and nodded walking out..

Parker looks at me..

"I'm going back to Ethan's" I said not making eye contact with him as I turn around.

"Sofi .. I'm sorry she just is super pretty and hot and.. was just there" he said

"That was my best friend." I said

"I know but-" I cut him off.

"Your 22 and just fucked a 17 year old. That is illegal. You could go to Jail for that" I said

"She said she was 18 in my defense" he said

"She is still my best friend" I said walking out of his room and back into mine.

I grab my phone and phone charger and grab a pair of leggings and a tee shirt that hung past my butt in the back but was higher in the front, and a pair of underwear and another bra before just walking out.

I start walking down the street towards Ethan's apartments.. he lives like a mile or two away so great this is going to be a long walk.


I continue walking through the rain for a while and after a good thirty minutes I get to the apartments.

I go up the elevator to his apartment before knocking on his door.

Grayson opens and looks at me confused..

I look down at my clothes and break down.

"MY CLOTHES ARE ALL WET" I said sobbing.

His eyes widened.


He paced in the doorway as no one came downstairs.

"COMMING" Ethan yelled from upstairs.

A few moments later he was running downstairs.

"Why didn't you invite her in dumbass" Ethan said pushing Grayson out of the way.

He pulled me inside and looked at me..

"What's wrong baby?" He asked wiping my face..

"My clothes are all wet" I said again showing him my clothes I had brought over..

"Did you walk here?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah but I didn't know it was going to rain and get my clothes wet" I said freaking out.

"Sof we will dry your clothes" he said

"Okay" I said sniffling as I slightly shivered..

"Come to my room" he said

I nod and we walk up to his room and he closes the door.

"Okay go get in the shower.. I'll get you dry clothes to wear and put your wet ones in the dryer okay?" He asked

"Okay" I said nodding as we went to his bathroom.

"Don't look at me" I said and he turned his head and held out his hand to get my clothes.

I took off my shirt and he moved his head slightly..

"Ethan" I said and he turned it back.

I take off my pants and and put them on his hand he was holding out along with my shirt.

He turns his head towards me again.

I ignore it and just turn around and start the shower making it all the way hot.

When I turn back Ethan quickly turned his head.

"Stoppittt" I said and he looked over at me completely just smiling .

"Why did you come back baby girl?" He asked

"Don't tell Grayson this" I said and he nodded.

"I caught my brother having sex..with Allie" I said

"Oh.. yeah lets not tell him about that" he said shaking his head.

"Yeah" I said

"So you gonna take off your bra and panties???" He asked

"Don't say that just say underwear you weirdo." I said
"Okay are you gonna take off your bra and underwear?" He asked

"Get outttt" I said pointing to the door.

He puts his hands up in surrender and walks out.

I take off my bra and underwear and crack the door hiding my body behind it.

I hold out my bra and underwear and he grabs it from me chuckling and I shut the door back quickly.

I jump in the hot shower and sigh in relief..I wash my hair and body before just letting myself relax beneath the water

BabyGirl//Ethan Dolan FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora