Chapter 10: I'm Sorry...

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Adam's POV

We continued on for about a half hour before Mitch stopped.

"I swear, that's the fifth time I've seen that bush." He insisted and I looked at it.

"Maybe not. Bushes don't have that big a variety." I countered and he groaned.

"I know it is, because that's the spot where I fell out of the tree." He pointed to a few broken branches on the ground, then at the Mitch-shaped hole in the leaves.

"Could just be another tree with a Mitch-shaped hole in it." I grinned and he turned around and walked the other way. "Hey! What did I do?" I yelled and ran to follow him. He whipped around and glared at me.

"Oh, I don't know? Tried to kill Jason. Then me. Then made us fall out of the sky. Now my leg hurts pretty damn badly, and my arm is scratched up. Plus, we're lost in a forest!" He snapped and I stepped back.

"I don't reme-"

"You say you don't remember, but how the hell can we trust you? How?" He quickly turned back around and flinched. He walked away, his limp slightly worse than before.

"Mitch! I..." I called, but stopped. As Mitch disappeared and I looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry..."

Mitch's POV

I didn't look back at Adam's call, I just kept walking. With every step, the pain in my leg seemed to worsen.

After I was sure I was out of sight I collapsed on the side of the path. I gingerly rolled up my pant leg and flinched back at what I saw.

My entire ankle was swollen and purple, while my leg was red and covered in cuts.

"Dammit Adam." I hissed and lay back. There was no way I was getting anywhere.

"I don't see anyone." The sound was faint, but I definitely heard a voice. I sat up quickly and looked around, spotting the fur of a tail just as it disappeared behind the leaves.

"No dip Sherlock." Another voice spoke, deeper than the first, but still female. "I didn't realize that the shapes around us were bushes and trees."

"Shut up Tox."

"Right back at you Angel."

"I feel like we are just walking circles." I heard a branch snap to my left and I quickly lay back
down and closed my eyes, playing dead. Footsteps walked up to me.

"I'm not sure, I mean, I'm sure we would have remembered passing a body. Don't you think?" I opened my eyes a slit in time to see a girls face about an inch from mine.

"He's breathing." She turned back to the other girl, who weirdly, had a tail.

"Why are you assuming it's a guy?" The other girl stepped over.

"His hair."

The other girl made a "tsk" sound. "Welcome to 2016, a time where you can't just assume anyone's gender."

The girl in front of me gave her a blank stare. "Do you want to check?"

Startled - A SkyDoesMinecraft/SkyBrine Fanfiction [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now