"Lucky you." Kincaid said, he was panting. "Fucking hotter than hell in this suit." He picked up the pace, breaking into a shuffling run. "If it's getting cold, we don't wanna hang out and make friends."

"It's like someone let the winter in here." Donaldson bitched, and I stared at him as we doubletimed it down the corridor.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked. Donaldson looked at me, and his face melted off, leaving behind a skull under his helmet with bright blue eyes still in the bloody sockets.

"Just that it feels like the winter got let in here, Sergeant." The skull said. "Why are you looking at me like that, Sergeant, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head. My helmet pressed against the back of my head and I stumbled, retching, and Donaldson reached out and grabbed my right arm, steadying me. I glanced at him, and he was alive again. "Just something we used to say in my old unit."

"When that asshole showed up and started killing you guys?" Kincaid asked, breathing heavily.

"About then, yeah." I said, picking up the pace slightly. "Save it, we need to keep moving."

This time there was a low chuckle that seemed to come from all around us as we turned a corner and moved past a dying red emergency light that was dimly pulsing. Frost was glittering in the light, the red of the lights gleamed on the frost, wavered, and were suddenly coated in blood. The back of my head throbbed and I almost threw up again. I blinked hard and the blood was gone, replaced with frost glittering in red light of the emergency light.

"This one." I said, stopping at a heavy blast door.

"How do you know?" Kincaid asked, leaning the wall so the tanks were against the wall. I could hear the fans whining tiredly and wondered if the cold was affecting the batteries.

"I just do." I said, pulling out my little green notebook from where it was hiding behind Agent Fellman and Agent Rogers' little ID folders. They weren't trophies, they were a weapon, and I planned on using them for a psychological advantage on the other agents when it came time for me and Ms. Pointy Thing to have a talk with any survivors.

I wanted the one who'd shot Donaldson in the chest. Agent Thomas. Rogers had been with Fellman and Thomas for over fifteen years, both men in their forties, and had been long time friends. I couldn't wait to see Agent Thomas' eyes when he saw the two little ID folds.

Right before I cut them out of his fucking head.

It only took a few seconds to leaf through my little notebook and pick the right code out of the list of codes I'd scrawled into the book. The door began thumping, the cylinders hidden behind the thick walls pressurizing to lift the door.

"Fifty, help me, Fifty." A voice came from the speakers above me and all of us looked up at the speaker. "Please, don't let them do this, you know what they'll do to me, me and the baby..." the voice pleaded.

The pistol came out smoothly, despite the pain, and I leveled it at the speaker while it was still pleading in a voice that I denied having ever existed. I stroked the trigger twice, reflexes overriding pain, the dimness in my vision, and the pounding headache.

Both bullets hit the speaker, and it kept speaking, the damage to the speaker causing it to buzz weirdly. "Please, Fifty, please. They promised to make it fast for you guys, not like what they're going to do to me." She was weeping.

I went down on my knees, curling over the pistol, retching as the impact of my knees hitting caused my helmet to bump on my head.

"Kill it, Kincaid." Donaldson said. "Quick."

Kincaid raised the flamethrower and hit the trigger, the bar shooting out and connecting the ejector to the speaker.

"Please, Fifty, you know you're just a waste, you said you always weren't worth a damn, you can save me, Fifty, you can save..." The buzzing sound died as the flames devoured it.

Bomber was kneeling down next to me, his hand warm on my cheek. "It never happened, brother, say it with me."

"It happened." I moaned, retching again.

"It never happened, Fifty, sweety, say it with me." Nancy said, her warm hand on the back of my neck.

"It happened." I said. The pistol was heavy in my hand as I lifted it up, pressing the hot barrel under my chin. The Fates suddenly swelled to a chorus in my head.

...murder... killer... butcher... failure...

"You stupid little fucker, it's all your fault. What happened to her, what's going on now, it's all you and your war mongering butchering friends. You deserve this, she deserved what happened to you just for lying with you like a little slut." My mother's voice.

The barrel pushed deep into the flesh and I gritted my plastic teeth. Her face was in front of my eyes, both before it all started and the way she... she...

"Fifty, honey, don't." Heather's voice. I could feel her warm hand around my wrist. "It never happened, say it with me."

"It happened."

"No, it didn't, say it with me." Heather's voice.

"Dee, Ant!" Kincaid yelled.

"I failed, I blew it, Heather." I mumbled, and I knew I was crying. "She needed me."

"Do it, you fucking murderer." Kebble's voice, echoing in the hallway.

"Who the hell is that?" Kincaid asked.

Someone else's hand wrapped around my wrist, engulfing Heather's, and whoever it was started pulling the pistol away from under my chin.

"Sergeant, stop! Sergeant!" Donaldson yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Do it, you fucking butcher." Oakes' voice.

"Who's there?" Kincaid yelled.

Someone grabbed my helmet, twisting my head, the pistol sliding out from under my jaw. The hand was pulling on my wrist, pulling the pistol away from my jaw, opposite of the way my head was being twisted.

"Do it, Ant, you goddamn failure." Agent Killain's voice. "You never were worth a shit. DO IT!" A cold hand wrapped around mine, a finger going over mine, pressing down on the trigger, my finger caught in between.

"Shut up, bitches!" Kincaid again.

I managed to pull the trigger.

The pistol went off with a roar, someone yelled, and the pistol was pulled out of my hand. My hearing vanished in a high pitched ringing noise and I fell to the side. My finger was still twitching, still trying to pull a trigger that wasn't there.

Someone heaved me to my feet, throwing my right arm over their shoulder and I screamed as they drug me through the door. I was kicking and screaming as the hands drug me by my LBE out of the hallway.

The door slammed behind us, a heavy steel door, with brown paint and a lever doorknob. I caught a glimpse of the tag on the door.

ROOM 221

The door slammed shut, revealing who had been hiding behind it.

He stood at least two inches taller than me, wide, heavy shoulders, his heavy frame hidden by the OD green parka he had on. He was wearing Mickey-Mouse boots, cold weather boots with valves on the side, trigger mittens, and the heavy duty insulated cold weather pants.

The axe in his hands read "2/19th Motorpool"

The cold weather mask on his face had the mouth cover ripped away, revealing blood slicked teeth.

One bloodshot eye was staring at me in hatred.

I started screaming, just staring, as someone I thought was dead and gone stood there, his shoulders heaving as he took a deep breath. He looked down at where Taggart was at his feet, crumpled on the polished tile floor, blood steadily spreading out from her head. Her eyes were staring at me.

help me she mouthed.

Whoever had a hold of my shoulders, that had drug me into the room, let go, and I scrambled back, kicking and still screaming, leaving a blood trail behind me as my bloody hands slipped on the tile and my boots kicked up sprays of snow. I ran into something, and tried to climb up it, still screaming.

"Run, Nancy, run!" I yelled, trying to get up and falling over, landing on my bad shoulder. "Leave me, get out!" I pushed myself up and fell again as the whole world tilted and swum around me. "Get Taggart out, Nancy, I'll try to hold him off!"

Someone grabbed me and I shoved at them, swinging blindly as snow swept over me, blinding me.

Something chuckled in the snow.

"What's wrong with him?" someone asked.


"He's hallucinating." Another voice. "Psychotic episode, maybe."


Hands reached into my thigh pocket, and someone, something, began pulling stuff out of my pocket. I tried to grab my knife, but someone grabbed my wrist, and when they let go of my wrist the sheathe was empty.

I looked up, and Julian stood in front of me, one arm raised to block the wind, facing to my right. He was staggering, exhausted, dressed in what cold weather gear we'd been able to salvage. His face was white, his lips bloodless, and the tip of his nose and ears were black.

Tandy materialized out of the snow, those long fingers wrapping around SPC Julian's head, digging in and tearing the flesh as he suddenly yanked Julian into the snow, both of them vanishing.

I started screaming again. "Run, goddamn it! Doubletime! Tandy's here!"

Something hit the back of my throat and I coughed, swallowing reflexively, and it felt like I was swallowing dimes. I coughed and choked, my eyes watering, and I looked back up.

Tandy took PFC Brooks right in front of me, his talons sinking into Brooks' throat, blood spraying out of the wound, whipped away by the wind.

"Run! Get them out, Bomber!" I screamed, trying to lunge up, my hand grabbing at my boot.

"There's nothing here, Sergeant, just us!" Someone yelled at the same time as I found the boot knife sheathe empty and a hand pressed hard against my chest, pushing me back down. "The doors open, Kay, help me."

Tandy's grabbed me, and I began kicking, trying to get loose, as he dragged me backwards, down the hallway of Titty Territory, toward Queer Country and the stairwell between them.

He was going to drag me to the basement, where he'd tear me to pieces and devour me alive.

"Christ, he shouldn't have taken that amphetamine with all those pills." Someone said. "No wonder he's tripping out."

"Just get him in here and close the door." the other voice said.

"You can't run, Ant, we'll get you eventually." Oakes laughed, her voice bubbling. "There's nowhere to run this time."

"I said shut up, bitch!" One of the voices yelled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

"Open the door, Sam Kincaid, or we'll take you and bring you into the dark and cold." Kebble told him. "You can spend the winter with us."

"SHUT UP!" The same voice.

"Open the door, Brett Donaldson. He's worthless, not worth a shit. Not worth dying over. The other one is a coward, you saw it yourself, and he jerks off thinking about how it would feel to take you in the ass." Oakes laughed. "Open the door, Brett, let us in. If you don't, we'll drag you off to join us in the dark and cold."

"Who the fuck are they?" One of them asked.

"Fuck 'em, they show themselves, I'll burn their asses down too." The one who had been yelling at Oakes and Kebble to shut up.

I was still being dragged backwards, my boots thumping down the steps as Tandy dragged me down the steps and into the basement. The lights were dim, I could barely see, and sparks kept dancing in my vision.

But I could see well enough to see the figure with the axe, wearing the parka and the cold weather mask, step out from beside the doorway, swinging the axe with everything he had.

And burying it in Bomber's stomach.

Bomber folded around the axe, blood spraying his mouth and spattering the snow in front of him. He started to sag to the side and figure in the cold weather mask kicked him free. The head of the axe tore free in a spray of crimson, covered in blood.

"Bomber!" I screamed, kicking, trying to get free of Tandy.

The figure hefted the axe and took a step toward me.

"Bomber!" I yelled again.

Tandy dropped me on my back, and I tried to roll over, tried to move, but I was freezing in the cold. The knife buried in my shoulder felt like ice, and cold was spreading from where the guy in the cold weather mask had pinned me the tile floor. I tried to blink, but couldn't.

"Run, Nancy." I croaked.

I could hear her being dragged up the stairs while she screamed that I was alive, that they had to go back.

"Ant, I love you!" Nancy yelled down the steps.

"I love you, Nancy." I whispered.

"You're all right, Sergeant Ant, we've got you." The face appeared in my vision, at first looking like Julian, but Julian's face melted away, running down a different face like hot butter.

"Sergeant, we're in military operations, we're OK." The man said.

I suddenly recognized him.

"Donaldson." I said, reaching up. He grabbed my hand in his, squeezing.

"Come on, Sergeant, come back to us." Donaldson said. He looked worried, but nothing else. I could barely see him in the dim light.

"I'm lost." I admitted. "It's dark and cold, and the winter's been let in."

"It's all right, Sergeant, me and Kincaid have got you." Donaldson was saying. "I think you're having a psychotic episode from the speed. I gave you more meds."

"I'm afraid." I admitted. Another face came into my vision, and I squinted to try to bring it into focus.

"Here, your glasses came off." Kincaid said, reaching down. His face came into focus as he slid my glasses onto my face. "Your nose is bleeding."

"It's dark and cold in here, who let the winter into the barracks?" I asked.

"Open the door, Sam Kincaid, you can't beat us." Oakes' voice sounded bubbling.

"Shut up, bitch!" Kincaid yelled, looking up.

"Sergeant, you're in a place called Kilo-29, do you remember?" Donaldson asked.

"I am?" I asked. The other man nodded.

Memories were starting to come back. The door. How we were locked in. Agent Killian. The shootout in the same place we were in. Natchez losing his arm. That kid dying. Killing the four agents after interrogating them. Heading out to the Event Locker area to set up an ambush.

"Shads, the others?" I asked, trying to sit up.

"Don't get up, Sergeant, you're not in very good shape." Donaldson said, grabbing our clasped hands with his other. "We drug you the whole way through the command section, and you were screaming and babbling the whole time."

"We'll take you anyway, Brett, and you with him." Kebble said. "Then we'll take your baby sister."

"I said, shut up, whore!" Kincaid yelled back.

"Nine year old flesh tastes sweet." Oakes finished. "I love the taste of untouched pussy."

"How do they know about us? Who are they?" Donaldson asked.

"They're dead. They died in my old unit barracks." I told him. "They've been dead for years."

"Fucking hell." Kincaid said.

"Let me up, we need to move, I need to find out where Shads and the others are before they get to the Major and his men." I said. "I'm feeling a lot better."

"I don't know." Donaldson started.

"Get me on my feet, I'm not dead yet." I told him, and used his grip on my hand to pull myself into a sitting position. My stomach heaved but I gritted my plastic teeth and kept everything down.

"Are you sure?" Kincaid asked when Donaldson stood up, still holding onto my hand.

"We don't have a choice." Donaldson told the other man, and heaved me to my feet.

I probably made it look easy, but it took everything I had to stay on my feet. I was weak, dizzy, and my knees wanted to buckle.

"Dead bitches, your dead CO, and snowing inside a goddamn mountain." Kincaid said. His hood was flipped back, and he was leaning against one of the consoles, sweating heavily. "Your army all this fun?"

"Only when it's not either boring or worse." I told him, staggering to a console marked "Interior Operations" and dropped into the chair, slumping slightly.

"Gimme a square, Sergeant." Kincaid said. I dug in my pocket and lit one for myself before holding out the pack. Donaldson took it and I tapped on the space bar, willing the screen to come on.

It did, softly glowing.

"We're going to rip your guts open and leave you to die, Sam." Oakes threatened.

"Hey there, asshole. Bet you wished you hadn't shot at us, don't you." Kincaid said, ignoring Oakes' voice.

"Kay, what the hell are you doing?" Donaldson asked.

I was navigating system, trying to figure it out. It was a lot like the other live systems I'd seen, but a lot more expansive, covering a lot of shit the others didn't.

"Searching them." Kincaid answered. "Maybe Sergeant Ant missed something that might help us." He paused. "I won't bother with you, bitch, I've already seen you flashing everything you have to offer."

"Just hurry." Donaldson told him.

"You know you want to, Sam." Agent Killain's voice whispered through the dimly lit egg, the same tone of voice she had when her ass had been grinding against my hips and I'd been buried inside of her. "Open my top, touch my breasts, Sam, you know you want to. My pussy's still wet, slide you hand down my pants and finger me, Sam, you know you want to."

"Shut the fuck up." Kincaid said softly.

"Open the door, and I'll be yours, Sam." Killain continued. "We'll have forever to explore each other. Look at my body. Think of your hands on my breasts, your mouth on my pussy, your cock in my ass. Such pleasures I can show you."

"Let's see what you're hiding, you toothpick chewing fuck." Kincaid said, and I heard his knees pop as he knelt down.

I found door code logs, hoping that the doors we separated by level, or at least section.

"Samuel, remember that drunk girl in AIT who popped your cherry?" Oakes voice was soft, sultry. "We can show you more than she ever dreamed. More than a minute or two of sloppy drunk blowjob and sex that didn't even get you off. I can show you such pleasures in the dark."

"Don't believe her, she's was an ugly little bitch." I said, watching the cursor flash as the system moved at mid-80's speeds. "And she was probably a closet fag. She had two of her friends try and rape Nancy, the woman who saved Dee's life."

"Don't believe him, Samuel, he just doesn't want you with us." Kebble said. "You jerk off, fantasizing about women. Open the door, and you can have all three of us."

"Oh just shut the fuck up." Kincaid snarled.

"All three of us at once, Samuel." Killain answered. "You can pull it out of Oakes tight little virgin ass and I'll lick you clean so you can stretch open Kebble's tight little pussy, Samuel."

"Christ, they never shut up." Kincaid bitched. "Why would I take their offer when they never shut the fuck up?"

I laughed.

"Brett." Kebble said. "Open the door, and you can even have your little sister if you want her. We'll bring her with us into the dark and cold, and you can break her in with us."

"Ew." Donaldson answered.

"Think of it. So tight, so soft, untouched, nine year old flesh is so sweet. It tastes so good." Oakes teased. "I'll show you how to do it. You and I, Brett, I can show you. Show you what I used to do to my little sister, let you watch, then watch you."

Donaldson and Kincaid gagged behind me, and I swallowed thickly, trying to vomit as a wave of nausea that had nothing to do with anything else rolled through me.

I hope Tandy took his time with you, you fucking child molesting bitch

"Sergeant, looks like we've got something after all." Kincaid said. "Don't pay any attention to her, Dee, she's just some dead bitch."

"Maybe you'd like Brett, Sam." Came Killain's voice. "Just open the door, and you can have him and me both. Feel him inside of you while you're inside of me. Be deep in him while he's inside of me and I scratch at both you. Such pleasures I can show you both."

"Check it out, maps." Kincaid said, clumping up next to me as door codes started rolling by faster than I could read them.

"You know you want him, Brett, you know you want to fill Samuel's virgin ass." Oakes told us.

"You know, it was scary, now it's just getting annoying." Kincaid told me, holding out a brown envelope that had Site K-29 stamped on it. Kincaid had pulled it open so that I could see several sheets of paper folded up inside.

"Remember how you fantasized about your sister's baby-sitter's breasts, Brett? How you used to peek at her in the shower, jerking off till you came in that pair of her panties you stole, Brett?" Oakes whispered.

"Yeah, she didn't shut up when she was alive, either." I told him. "Unfold them, I'll read off the door codes, see if you can find them."

"We know you stole her vibrator, Brett. We saw you lick it clean while you jerked off. We saw you slide it into yourself, saw how you liked to pleasure yourself with it while she was passed out." Kebble said, laughing. "Open the door, and you can finally feel a man inside of you. Open the door, and both Samuel and Fifty can take turns filling you back there."

I looked at Donaldson, who had just moved over to stand next to me, and he shook his head. I just shrugged and pulled out my notebook, opening it up to where I'd written down the door codes I'd given everyone. Donaldson set two of my knives on the console, followed by my pistol.

"Brett liked touching her when she passed on the floor, didn't she, Oakes?" Kebble laughed.

I keyed in the passcode I'd given Donaldson into the prompt with a search string, along with a qualifier for the last four hours. While the computer moved at lightning fast 1980's speeds I put the weapons away and the three women kept talking.

"For a year before he joined the Army he'd finger that drunk, sloppy pussy, never able to work up the courage to actually do what he wanted." Oakes answered. "What he'd jerk off and fantasize about while he fingered that pussy. He loved it when he got to suck other men's cum off his fingers after fingering that well fucked pussy."

Door codes and dates and times started scrolling up.

"Write 'em down, we need to fucking move." I told them. "Donaldson, you take the right hand column, I'll take the left. Kincaid, you keep an eye out for anything weird."

"Besides dead bitches talking, right." Kincaid nodded, popping the ingiter.

"The one time he did work up the courage, when she had passed out with her ass in the air, he didn't even touch the head to her skin before he came on her ass." Kebble laughed. "As soon as it got near, busted his nut on her."

"Hurry." I told him, writing as fast as I could.

"He looked so cute, rubbing it in. Think he'll rub it into my ass?" Killian asked. Her laughter was dark, an evil, liquid thing.

"If he opens the door, he won't have to, I'll lick it off while Kebble sucks him back hard." Oakes said.

"Open the door, Brett." The all three said at once. "Such pleasures we'll show you in the dark."

"Done." Donaldson said just as I finished.

"Sergeant!" Kincaid called out.

"You should have opened the door, Brett. My pussy was wet and waiting." Oakes giggled.

"You should have opened the door, Samuel, I wanted you in my mouth." Kebble laughed.

I turned around, standing up, and saw what Kincaid was shouting about at the same time as Donaldson started cursing.

Agent Killain was standing up, her smile too wide for her face, exposing most of her teeth. She had unbuttoned her BDU top, and tore open her T-shirt with pale, blood crusted fingers, exposing pale flesh with bloodless nipples. The two bullet holes in the middle of her forehead and the two bullet holes in the top of her left breast were dark spots in her pale flesh.

"I want all three of you inside of me." She slurred.

Kilo-29 (Damned of the 2/19th, Book 15)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt