Chapter 13

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After the lunch all started for their house and slowly radhika too left danny's house with a hug from him. She was looking for arjun but he was missing. She tried his number but he did not pick the call. Radhika thought he might have left and started to walk and found a guy who was following her in the bike with helmet covering his face. She saw him and he was wearing green t.shirt jeans and grey over coat. She found out her arjun and she turned to him and took hid back seat and ordered him to go to his house.
Arjun jerked and removed his helmet.
Arjun ; how did u find that, that was me ??
Radhika ; simple if some one would have dared to look at me then my husband will take out the eyes from the socket. So only u can do it as only u r allowed to do it. Arjun helds her hand which was wrapping his waist took them and kissed it softly. She smiled and leened to him and kissed his cheeks. He held her hand tight and said" dont u dare leave me, i cannot live without u". She smiled and kept her head over his shoulders and said" i wont, if i then i know u will find me."
Arjun ; i will and tunred his head and saw her.
Radhika (fed up tone) ; dont u have any idea of moving from here as it is a bit cold here sir. Arjun rolled his eyes.
Arjun ; why cant u call me arjun pls .
Radhika ; u remember how i tried, u even gave me drink to say me ur name. But im not able to say without sir, sir so no use leave it. Arjun slightly banged his head with the helmet and started the bike.
Arjun ; shall we ??
Radhika ; always . Arjun smiled and started their journey of their love story.

Canada .....

Neil who came back saw Sam was a bit nervous. He was confused and entered her cabin.
Sam ; Idiot suddenly the system got crashed. I have my data saved there, I don't have any back for my work. I don't know what to do yaar and she was scratching her head. Neil bend down and found the adapter of the computer was plugged out and it was hanging half way out. He found out and thought a best opportunity to tease her.
Neil ; Sammy what have you done . It has totally crashed and see even the system is not getting started. I don't know you are only responsible for the local project which needs to be done tomorrow. Sam was sweating badly as that was an important local project and she does not want rathore's name to go down. Sam was keeping her hand over her head and was sweating in the rainy season.

Neil ; Yoo Sammy I can fix this but what will I get for the help ??
Sam ; What ever you ask ??
Neil ; What ever ?? (with raising his eye brows with his smile which was as usual mischievous)
Sam ; What ever .. pakka now fix it.
Neil ; Fine then go out of the room I'll do it. She scratched her head as what is there if she is standing her ?? Sam went out. He burst out of laugh as she is still the same stupid sam.
He switched on the system and then he called her to come in. Sam who say that was so happy and hugged him tight. He was smiling and hugged her back and they broke the hug and they continued their work with the smile.


Ardhika reached home and he enters and ordered her to stand in the entrance. She was confused then arjun came out with arthi plate and kept it in the entrance and asked her to step in the plate and come. Radhika just remembered her first welcome in arjun's house by nandhini. The glass piece, the threatening of nandhini, bed burnt by arjun their fight everything. She had tears. Arjun who noticed that felt pain as, she was still keeping her past even though she loves him. He knew what she went through and so he picked her up . Radhika who was lost in thoughts saw arjun picking her up and stepped inside the plate. She shouted and asked him to step out of the plate.
Radhika ; step out of that plate now.
Arjun ; it is just a plate of arthi water. Why so serious??
Radhika ; there are glass pieces in the plate now step out u may get hurt sir. Arjun was not able to understand and shook her and called her name out . She came back to sense and hugged him tight and cried.
Radhika ; pls sir dont do anything which makes me remember my past. I just want to live my life this moment not holding anything with me. So please step out. He nodded but he was confused about the glass pieces which she was talking about. He wanted to know what that was?? but she will not say so he will wait until she speaks out.

Arjun drops her in the sofa and she was sitting with teary eyes and keeping her eyes keeping her eyes looking at the floor.
Arjun keeps his hand over his hip and takes a deep breath and shouts boom on her face. She jerks and hits him with the pillow. He holds her hand and winks his eyes.
Arjun ; i won and smiled.
Radhika ; what u won ??
Arjun ; well ur tears of course. She realised that she stopped crying and smiled at him. He kneeled down to her and cupped her face with his hands and gave a warm kiss on her forehead and said ; radhika i know u were carrying all the sorrows with u . It is buried inside u i dont know that why i behaved all bad with u but i will promise you what so ever happens i wont leave u even if u go to any world i'll follow u but i just want u to believe me that whatever i did was under the instruction of nandhini, i wanted to break all those things and abduct u and go somewhere but for me my sister's happiness mattered but i am not bad radhika pls dont leave me again that killed me like anything . You don't know how many sleepless night I had thinking only about you and would cry my heart out. Don't leave me else i donno what i will do to myself.

Radhika had tears for his confession. She saw his eyes were wet whatever he said was from his heart, he was not bluffing, he only loves only her her only his panoti is his life. She saw him and hugged him tight and cried out her heart out and was just hugging him. Arjun rubbed her back to ease her and he too wiped his tears and was happy that she has finally blasted her sorrows.

She was back to normal and saw him. Her cheeks were fully wet and arjun wiped them and said holding her hands ; radhika i dont want to look back . I want look forward and want to live a live a life with u nothing more. Promise me u wont leave me.....
Radhika ; i promise u sir what so ever happens i wont leave u . Even i want to live a life with u. A small, happy and contented life with u sir nothing more sir . Neither revenge nor pain only u and me with few lovely people sir. Nothing is required for me. He saw her and hugged her again. She was able to sense his pain, she wanted to change the mood of him and made a puppy face and said " not fair sir, not at all fair".
Arjun (confused) ; what not fair and saw her.
Radhika (controlling her smile) ; i have come to ur house and u r not offering anything to eat and u know i have not eaten anything since half an hour. What a kind of husband are u ?? Very bad and stood up to leave. He who saw her stood up, twisted her and picked her up in his hands and made an angry face.
Arjun ; panoti i know who are u so stop acting. She wrapped her hand over his shoulders and they looked at each other and they remembered how he took her in his hands after marriage when she denied to sit in the car and how they were arguing in the road.
Arjun ; hello mrs mehra im here dont travel to Mumbai's busy road or lonavala area. Her eyes widened and thought how does he know ??
Arjun ; because we talk through hearts again she was thinking how does he know ??
Arjun ; now stop thinking of how i know dont squeeze ur poor little brain to find me as u dont and u cannot surpass me
Radhika ; Really ?? who said i was the one brought the true to all and to u too which u dont know so i am genies than u and won the great arjun mehra.
Arjun ; oh really ?? I pity u radhika i pushed u to marry me so that i can have u with me always so i won. She jumped from his hands and shouted no more looking back please got that AM ??
Arjun ; ok im sorry
Radhika ; promise ??
Arjun ; promise my lady promise. She smiled and said ; So the great Arjun mehra now bring me my coffee and pushed him inside the kitchen. He smiles at her behavior and he was tightening his body so that she had to use her full power to push him inside the kitchen. She too smiles at his playful behavior and once she pushed him inside, Radhika ; Sir one condition coffee with sugar as I know you are not a diabetic patient. So I want u to have your coffee with sugar.
Arjun (bowed his body slightly) ; Yes Mrs.Mehra.
Radhika ; That's a good boy..... and goes out.

A journey without destination - Manmarziyan fanfiction. (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang