Chapter 3

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Hiee all the next part of this destination is here. Pls do comment ur views and do vote. Love u all.

Enjoy the ride....

Neil did all the packing to leave India with Prena , to Canada and to start a new life with Radhika (as he too lost hope in marriage, family etc like radhika) . Prena too accepted his feel as she knew him, if he takes a decision it is difficult for him to come out of it. Thats why Prena did not say anything when Neil had feelings for Sam.

Bird song.

Neil enters samrat's cabin and hand over a cover to him. Samrat looks Neil with a questioning face .
Neil ; My resignation letter sir.
Samrat ; What ?? Neil are you leaving bird song and your friend Sam ??
Neil ; My friend left me months back. Samrat was hurt with those words .
Samrat ; But , but where are you going ?? I mean Arjun too left Birdsong and now you are saying that you are leaving?? Neil was not surprised as he knew Arjun was planning to leave Birdsong way back.
Neil ; Sir please I just want to move on and my written contract ended 2 months back . I was working here till I get a new job. I got a job which is suitable for me. Sorry for informing you late I have my flight within 2 days sir.
Samrat was helpless he took the cover and accepted Neil's resignation.
Samrat ; Can you pls yourself say this to your friend, I'm sorry Sam .
Neil ; Sure sir she is still my friend. I never change my friendship with her. She was the one who left me i'm still standing in the same place but she was the one who moved on first. Samrat had no words to speak. Just got up his chair and congratulated Neil with a hug.
Samrat ; Stay blessed my boy and please be in touch.
Neil ; Sure uncle I will be the first person to work for my Sam's wedding as she is my best friend from my childhood. Samrat was taken aback by Neil's words but just covered his feel with a fake smile.

Neil entered Sam's room and found her working busy . He smiled the way she was sitting with legs on the chair and seriously looking at the system.
Neil ; Sam if you scratch your head this way then for sure you will be bald on day. She threw a book over him and was smiling looking at the system.
Neil ; I'm leaving .
Sam ; So soon ?? Why are you sick ?? without looking at him.
Neil ; Sammy i'm leaving Bridsong , i'm leaving the job and going out once and for all so that I may not interfere in your way here after any more . Your wish is now fulfilled I guess. Sam did not raise her head but was hurt totally by his words, she did not say anything . Sam got up and hugged neil . She was crying behind his face but for her his happiness mattered than her's . Sam gulped her cry and she broke the hug.
Sam ; So all the works done for the journey ??
Neil ; Yup all done but still packing needs to be done .
Sam ; Where are you going ??
Neil (thought for a minute) ; San Francisco .
Sam ; Job ??
Neil ; Found .
Sam ; When is your flight ??
Neil ; in 2 days. Sammy need to do many work dear . If you dont mind shall I start.
Sam ; I will mind if you ask me permission. Neil started from there with a pained heart . Was eagerly waiting for her to ask her to take so that he may abduct her and keep her in his heart always.
Sam ; Neillll....... Neil stopped Neil's face was glowed . Turned and came near Sam. She just hugged him and sobbed. She was holding Neil tight and Neil was continuously rubbing her head. She was letting her pain out. Samrat saw this and cursed himself for the situation of Sam. He was ashamed of himself as for his safety he was numb those days but he never knew his silence would cause this big.

Sam ; I will miss you idiot. Neil was holding his tears and was determined enough not to show them in front of Sam . After few minutes they broke the hug. Neil wiped her tears and gave a kiss on her forehead and said "Stay strong Sammy and for me always your smile matters. Even though we are far from each other we are always connected at heart . I will always be your side . Feel free to call me any time. I'm your same idiot . Ok ?? Sam nodded and Neil left the cabin. The whole birdsong bid a farewell to neil.

A journey without destination - Manmarziyan fanfiction. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now