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Sometimes in life, we humans find ourselves in situations where we make spur of the moment decisions. That decision for me started with wanting to sneak in through my room window, which in turn landed me surveying my own house like a thief for any possible escape routes other than the front door.

I sat in my car, almost forgetting why I needed to sneak in.

Oh, the packet.

I immediately started feeling an overwhelming surge of dizziness.

Size effects of not making use of the packet.

I rested my head back against the head rest of my seat, dozing off without further warning.


I woke up to a throbbing headache and when I looked outside I saw the sun beginning to hide. I pulled out my Iphone and it was 6:58PM.

I was so dead!

I got out of my car and locked the door with the automatic lock-thingy. I walked the short distance to the foyer whilst enjoying the breezy nature night had to offer. Stepping into the house, I was met with my Mom looking worried.

She hadn't seen me yet as she was repeatedly checking the time.

"Hey, Mom" I said yawning

"Aria, Oh God, where have you been?

"I was just, you know, around"

Her worried look turned into daggers from hell straight away.

"What do you mean "around?" She said increasing her tone.

Here we go.

I couldn't even get a word in before she started ranting and yelling at me. Given the times this has happened, I never listened anymore. I busied myself with more important things while she wasted her saliva mouthing out things I never listened to.

"Don't tell me you've started smoking again?" She said in that Icy tone she always used when trying to challenge me.

I whipped my head towards her direction as fast as lightning because that was one sentence that couldn't go unheard.

I searched her face for any sign of regret concerning what she uttered.

Wow, my own mother doesn't trust me.

I hadn't realized I said that out loud because her face immediately turned soft.

She was about to say something but I put my hands out to stop her and I left the house.

I had given up smoking a couple of years back, coupled with alcohol it was my place of shalom.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea now.

Unraveling Aria ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now