Chapter 16

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??-" Did you miss me that much?"

Me-" Yah! Park Chanyeol! You told me that you will come back and stay with me!"

Chanyeol-"aishh I am your oppa!"

Me-" ya, the childhood friend, oppa, who basically broke promise and went to become a idol"

Chanyeol-"yahhh! AT least i came back today!"

Me-"After a long time?"

Chanyeol-" Aishh, you really didn't change uh?"

Me-"But my life did.."

I invited him to my house and I told him everything, from Taehyung to Eomma death to How Taehyung and me broke up

Chanyeol-"Do you thin that it is all That guy's father fault?"

Me-" I don't know, and i don't want to know, the only thing that I know is we are over"

Chanyeol-" aishhh, you better becareful, anything call me arra? And i think i have to go now I only told them I will be going out half day.. sorry.."

Me-"Aigoo, what sorry, you did nothing wrong, Hope to see you again and, Good luck for your idol life oppa!"

Chanyeol-"thanks, bye!"

He wear his disguise and went back..

I decided to not cook and have a take-away. I took my wallet and went ti the nearest fast food restaurant and bought a burger, frenchfries and cola..

On my way home, I saw a couple there fighting


boy-"Listen, Even if I am married to you, doesn't mean that I LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS I LOVE HER!"

And then the girl slapped the guy on his cheeks

I went closer to them and saw it was actually...

The spoil brat is courting me??जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें