Chapter 3: Moments

Start from the beginning

I watched closely as John rather reluctantly lifted himself out of bed. His blonde hair was stuck up at all sorts of odd angles and his pyjama shirt had ridden up his chest during the night, showing off his rather appealing midriff. He looked right at me with those smoldering eyes and I waited for the part of the morning that I always enjoyed far more than I should.

He coughed, clearing his throat, "G'morning, Sh'lock. Any plans for today?" His voice was low and gravely, a pleasing drawl that I would never get enough of.

"Plenty of plans. Don't worry, you're in every one of them."

I smirked as his eyes widened in surprise, flashing his ocean blue rings of brilliance at me. I just tapped my nose in a for-me-to-know-and-for-you-to-find-out manner and waited for him to go into the bathroom.

I heard him turn the shower on, noting that he only took two minutes today, whistling to himself the whole time. He turned it off and then began brushing his teeth; I could imagine the muscles flexing in his shoulders and back as he performed the simple task.

As I heard him unlock the door, I began to walk forward. Once he was stood in front of me, I looked into his eyes and grabbed his wrist. Squeezing his hand gently, I felt his pulse accelerate under my fingertips. His pupils dilated; he was definitely attracted to me. Good, very good. Today would go well.

Swiftly and softly, I pecked his cheek, my lips lingering on his smooth, warm skin for a moment. Pulling away slowly, I walked into the bathroom, giving him the opportunity to think.


I walked out of the bathroom after my, quite frankly, ridiculously long shower with one towel around my waist and another in my left hand, ruffling my hair to dry it. Before I could look up I felt firm hands gripping either side of my face. Startled, I quickly darted my eyes up, just catching the look of confidence on John's face before his lips met mine. The kiss was gentle and nervous, betraying the persona he had portrayed. I ached for more contact, pulling him closer. John seemed to get the message and the kiss quickly deepened.

His tongue grazed my bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. I eagerly parted them in consent, and suddenly John's tongue was in my mouth. It felt amazing, like nothing I had stored in my Mind Palace of yet. A groan slipped into the kiss, caused by the pleasure I was in, and I was almost certain that I heard a quiet moan escape John in response.

My senses were on fire, completely consumed by John. I could smell his fruity shower gel mixed in with his natural scent. I could feel his heart beating against mine as our chests pressed together, his hands in my hair, on my neck, on my waist and my back. My hands moved just as desperately all over him, too, analysing and cataloging every part of him I could reach. The sweet sounds he made when I did something he liked was driving me insane, drawing out desires that I had always suppressed.

Everything about John was perfect, even his flaws.

After a long minute we pulled apart, only to gain our breaths. Neither of us seemed to want to break eye contact, it seemed. Our feelings were evident. I liked John Watson, quite a lot, and John Watson liked me.

John's P.O.V

I struggled to catch my breath after we broke the kiss, and I could have sworn that my rapid heart beat should mean I was dying. It really shouldn't be that fast. But I was very much alive, basking in my own utopia consisting of only Sherlock Holmes and the feel of his skin on mine.

Over the past two weeks I'd been blessed with a friendship I never thought I'd have, although we were very different, Sherlock and I still shared many of the same qualities.

It was hard to believe that Sherlock, a boy I had known for only two weeks, trusted me, and...had a crush on me? After being shunned through school, hated for who I was, it made the affection that he had for me mean so much more. There was a bubble of happiness inside of me that kept me floating above the past.

"You'll always be alone. Who'd want a fag like you for a boyfriend? You're nothing."

I shook off the words I'd heard a million times, wanting a voice I trusted, "Sherlock?" my voice was low and nervous, but I needed to know.

"Yes, John?" Oh, God. His voice was like liquid gold; it had dipped down lower than usual and his baritone was very, very sexy.

"Willyoubemyboyfriend?" I mumbled quickly, knowing that he would hear it anyway. I cast my eyes down towards my feet, startled once again as Sherlock grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his long limbs around me, reassuring me. His clothing, or lack-of, didn't seem to matter, and I simply nuzzled my face into his neck, I felt safe and loved.

"Yes, John. I would love nothing more to begin a relationship with someone as wonderful as you. You are beyond perfection. I will always be here for you, my little hedgehog," Sherlock's voice was strong and secure. I held on tighter, the happiest I'd been in a long time.

His little hedgehog? The git.


A/N: I'm sorry it's kind of short, and possibly written in an awful style. My mind has left me behind, but I had to write some more. I hope to upload again soon, I apologise if I go all Moffat on you -NH

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