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For christmas, the couples got each other gifts. Here's the list of what they got:

Piper snowboarding jacket and eagle feathers.
Jason- superman cape and a kiss from Piper.
Hazel- Not cursed diamond necklace and golden teddy bear with a purple bow.
Frank- bow and animal crackers (Hazel thought it was funny)
Calypso- Garden space and monster proof tablet
Leo- fire proof clothes and a kiss from Caly.
Annabeth-Daedalus's laptop in a brand new grey owl case(Athena retrieved it from the room)
Percy- Blue cookies and candy and a tablet from Annabeth that she got from Leo.

All in all, it was a really great christmas.


I know it's not Christmas but its just something I came up with. Hugs and cookies!-Elle, the extremely tired author.

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