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Annabeth screamed " I am independent! You DON'T control me!". Percy was sobbing and muttering how he wasn't controlling her. They were yelling and as Percy got angrier, a tidal wave formed. Annabeth was glowing an intense gray.
And what were they arguing about? What flavor cake they would have at their wedding. Percy said vanilla, Annabeth said red velvet. It was resolved by Percy letting the wave crash on Annabeth while ordering red velvet cupcakes and a vanilla cake.


Wow, I haven't updated in forever. I just feel so..... meh. I can't update for the week. I actually have an excuse. Quarterlies, or however you spell it, are this week. I'm going to be so tired.....😴. I was in Disney, which was awesome by the way, and got some more inspiration for headcannons. Update more later. Got to pull a brush through the rat's nest I call my hair. - Haze, daughter of Pluto and blessed of Olympus. (I love doing that)

Percy Jackson HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now