A New Life

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Tris (Divergent) POV

"Ugh" I said sighing and looking out the wet from the rain window of my small plain house. I ran my hand over my stiff gray skirt, it was so stiff and gray because it was made out of stiff gray wool which is really stiff.

"I'm so sick and tired of all this gray, I really want to go to a different faction," I said to myself deeply as I looked out the window and put my hand on it sadly. As I was thinking about the results of that test we did to see what faction suits us best I heard my family talking behind me. Even though they're really quiet all the time i could hear them because I have really good hearing like a vampire but not because vampires don't exist, gosh.

I listened to my family hushed voices, the familiar scraching sound of their thick, gray clothing made of thick, gray wool, and I began to feel like their was bubbly tar rising in my stomach up to my throat and choking me and it became hard to breath and i started to freak like a lot but then i realized that i was just starting to cry and when i realized that i just let the tears loose. I sat by the window crying until my mom noticed and then she came over and hugged me which made me cry harder when i realized that after the faction-choosing ceremony i would never be hugged by her and her stiff grey fabrics agian. I also realized i had made my decision.

When I had gone through the test, i had been told I was suited for several factions. It was weird, and made my descision even harder. But with the help of my brain i was able to narrow it down to my top two; I could choose a boring, plain life of stiff, gray, thick wool and hushed voices, but still be surrounded by my family, or i could choose a life of freedom and risk-taking. I could choose Dauntess.

After eating my dinner which was just a plain potato soup with no spices or flavourings that was just generally bland, i went to my room to sleep. But i didnt really slep, i just told my parents i was going to sleep. Instead i stayed up and just thought about the decision i had to make. Later at night i had decided and i went to bed. I didnt sleep sondly.

*At the decision ceremony*

"Beatrice Prior," the person announcing people announced. I went up to the platform in front of all the people, how could i betray my parents like this? I thought to myself. But not to chose this would betray myself, i thought wisdomly.

I stood up on the platform, surrounded by the symbols of the different factions. Now is time for the decision, i thought. I took a deep breath, and a single tear ran down my cheek as i made a decision that would separate me from my family forever and i would never see them again forever. I chose to join Dauntless.

I walked off the stage, and after the ceremony was over i went with the other new joiners of Dauntless. We went to the train tracks. Oh gosh, i thought, i forgot about this. I was still in my thick, gray, wool skirts and i thought it would be a problem. One of the new joiners who wore Dauntless black rolled their eyes at me.

"Thats going to be a problem," he said gesturing to my skirts. "Better take 'em off," he suggested with a wink. I blushed redly, how dare he suggest that, but in the background i saw the train approaching. I knew for certains that i wouldnt get on that train with these skirts, but i also knew that i couldnt take off the skirts, what with my plain gray cotton panties, that would be so embaressing, i thought as i blushed redder. Finally i realized the only solution to the problem. I turned to the another girl in Dauntless black.

"Can i borrow your knife?" I asked her, she gave me a confused look but held it out anyways. I grabbed it, giving her a thanking smile. I then stabbed at the thick gray wool fabric of my shirt, and tore through it. i cut my long skirts into a miniskirt i had sometimes seen Dauntless girls wearing. the skirt was jagged, going up perilously high on my right thigh, and i smirked at the look the boy in the Dauntless black gave me. I handed the girl in the Dauntless black her knife back. She smiled approvingly at my makeshift clothing changes.

"I like it," she grinned across her face. "My name is Tonia," she said holding her hand out. I shook it. i wasnt sure if i should tell her my real name. i had often heard about people changing their names when they change factions. A new name for a new life, i decided.

"Tris," i said decicedly, still shaking her hand. we turned suddenly to see the train fast approaching. I felt the butterflies in my stomach, but in the end i managed to jump on the train. we sat, me and Tonia, with our feet hanging out of the car. We laughed and talked, getting to know each other. My pale legs seemed pale in comparison to her tanned ones, but she assured me they would become tanned in my new life as one of the Dauntless. As we sat there, the train passing through fields, i thought i saw a man, walking shirtless in the sun, and he almost seemed to be sparkling. That was crazy of course, as no one in the factions wander through these fields. I sat with my new friend as the train sped towards my new Dauntless life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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