Part 3

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Angela and I walked over to a table that was almost empty, except for one lone boy, he had short hair and was blind, so he wore the black blind glasses

"ACE and RED, I was expecting you two. Or would you prefer I call you by your birth names?"

"Who's this guy?" Angela asked.

"apparently, his codename is ESP, he can see the future... And nothing else." I responded.

"Hilarious. I know why you're here, you want to ask me about getting out of this hellhole."

It didn't surprise me that he knew, it's his power to know of the future, though Angela seemed surprised. 

"Are you going to tell us or not?" I asked him, with an annoyed tone.

He grinned. "Keep in mind the future is always changing, I can see potential futures, but not even I know if it's what will really happen." he responded.

"However," he continued, "my vision is telling me that you need to cause the building to collapse, you and RED escape... But nobody else does."

Me and Angela look at each other. "Are you sure there isn't a way to escape without killing everyone in it?" Angela asked.

" even if you do find a way," he answered, "those scientists won't stop any of their evil experiments."

"...right, bye ESP."

Angela and I walked away.

Back at our own table, we saw an old man walk by. It was that Dr. Oscuro guy, it seems he was showing around new "test subjects."

Oscuro glared at us, almost as if he knew we were planning something, though he didn't say anything.

"Hey! I overheard your little chat" said a voice i don't recognize. Definitely had an angry tone.

A man made of steel walked over.

"I won't be letting a monster like you escape.

"....I remember you." I responded.

It was the boy from when i first got trapped here, where I crushed his shoulder. On the upside he seems to have healed nicely.

"Okay, who's THIS?" Angela asked.

"I was given the codename MUD," The steel guy continued, I held back a laugh. "And I am going to finally take out that MONSTER you call a friend."

MUD's arm formed into a blade. "I've been 'upgraded' since our last encounter, you won't hurt me so easily this time, monster."

He swung his blade hand at me, I avoided it, grabbed onto his arm and ripped it off, definitely not something I wanted to do.

"JASON, WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Angela asked.

I don't know came over me! He attacked me and I just suddenly-" I tried to respond but was cut off.

"How sweet, you refer to each other by your actual names?" MUD's hand began to reform. "Too bad you won't see each other again."

I grabbed Angela by the arm and started running, I could hear MUD shouting "COWARD" in the distance. He was clearly mad, talk about holding a grudge.  

After a few minutes of running, I figured we lost him and stopped, right in front of us was a door to a room I haven't seen before, which isn't saying much we were really only allowed to see like, two or three rooms in this building.

"Uh, are we allowed to be here?" Angela asked. 

"We already are breaking the laws by deciding to escape this place." I responded, opening the door to the room.

Inside the room was machinery and a large container holding a large orb, seemingly giving off power to the building. 

"woah..." Angela said, probably speechless from all the stuff in the room.

"This must be what powers all the building and it's tech..." I said. Luckily I was right.

I punched the container with much force, and it shattered, along with the orb, and the entire building shook a little. It caused a huge warning siren to go off

Suddenly something hit me, literally, like, a table was thrown at me.

"I never expected someone to try something like this." Said someone who sounded like they were maybe in their mid-20s 

I looked over in the direction of what hit me and sure enough a scientist was standing there, suddenly Angela got lifted up by seemingly nothing. 

"Perhaps to teach you a lesson about obedience, I'll kill your little friend here." Hearing him say that is what made me angrier than I ever felt.

"Jason,  don't... kill... him." I heard Angela say with obviously very little air. I clenched my fists, ran up to the scientist and punched him into the wall.

That caused Angela to fall from the air, so I caught her. I punched the ground with even more power than I used to break the orb, and the building started to shake even more. Looks like ESP might have been right. 

Angela and I started running towards an exit.

When we were running, I swear I could overhear ESP say something.

It sounded like...

"I guess my future is over, I hope they have fun with their's."

Hero Origins: Aceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें