Part 1

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twenty years ago, in a small town called Hue, there was a young boy with brown hair and blue eyes, named Jason Soleil.

That boy was me

I was five years old.

for around four years, there has been news of kids around my age disappearing. Any of the kids that went missing have never been heard from again.

So you can understand, me being five years old an many other five year olds suddenly disappearing, I was very scared.

Turns out I had the right to be.

That night, when I went to sleep, I woke up in a containment cell, outside of it there were a few scientists. I had no idea what was going on. 

"Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?" I asked, with a tone that made it quite obvious I was terrified.

"We understand you have questions, Jason." An old looking scientist with glasses, grey hair and a beard responded. "And we're sorry we have to do this to you."

This was the most terrifying day of my life. 

"wh-what are you going to do to me?"

The scientist took out a needle. "you have been chosen by us to become the strongest trans-human in the world, this needle will give you power that can rival a God's."

One of the other scientists opened the door to the cell, the old man scientist walked in and stabbed me in the shoulder.

It was painful, so much pain, probably the most pain I've ever been in. After about ten minutes of pain and screaming, I fell unconscious.

I woke up hours later, I looked at a mirror in my cell, the needle has seemed to have turned my hair white and my eyes red. It was strange, they said i would become the most powerful, but I didn't look or feel any stronger.

"Ah, you're finally awake, I was getting worried." The scientist walked over. " You're just in time for lunch."

He opened up the door to the cell, and let me out. 

"Does this mean I can finally go home?" I asked, hopefully.

"I'm sorry , but you're never going home." The scientist answered.

something about what he said lit a spark inside me that made me angry, the thought of never seeing my family again, perhaps. 

"I'm not letting you keep me here!" I threw a punch at him, but he just managed to move out of the way before I hit him and I ended hitting a wall instead, creating a large crack in it.

The scientist looked at the large crack in the wall and grinned. "That is what you can do now without being at full power, imagine what you could do when your power develops more." 

I was so surprised, I couldn't believe how strong I was.

"By the way" the scientist continued. "You are going to be referred to as your new codename from now on, ACE, oh, and before I forget, you can call me Dr. Oscuro."

he started walking, and since I didn't have anything better to do, I started to follow him.

We ended up in a cafeteria-like room, with people giving out food and kids from the age of five to nine all around, it was terrifying to think about how many kids were kidnapped and forced out of their homes to live here. It seems they gave all of these powers, some seemed to not change much physically, like kids that could levitate or one that could turn intangible. but there was also kids who had it much worse, like one made entirely out of steel, or one that was seemingly turned into a living gas. 

I walked around and one person gave me a tray of food, I grabbed it, crushing the tray without even trying to do anything. Trying to find a seat, I walked up the table were the kid made out of steel was sitting with a girl with a third eye and a boy who appeared to be wearing some kind of white biohazard suit.

"Excuse me..." I asked the kids "do you mind if I sit here?"

I touched the steel boy's shoulder to get their attention, but like the tray... I crushed his shoulder. 

The boy screamed in pain, turns out I didn't really have any control of my power. I looked around and everyone was staring at me with fear in their eyes, and the steel boy was on the ground in pain.

I couldn't handle knowing I hurt someone, and knowing everyone is afraid of me. 

So I ran out of the room.

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