We went to the mall after school because Ailani was going nuts. She ran out of highlighter and she's my ride home.

After we went into several make up stores. Ailani finally found the right one and was happy again.

We walked out the store and I spotted a familiar figure standing there. "I thought he went home?" Adelynn asked.

"I thought so too." I approached him, only to find out he was with a girl. My whole world froze when I saw which girl it was.


I got closer to see her laughing. Ace just remained still. They said some more hushed words but Venice kept going closer. She placed her hand on his shoulder

I couldn't stand the sight and walked towards the parking garage. "Are you okay, Lina?" Lani asked, once we were seated.

"I'm fine." I fastened my seatbelt as she nodded. Then we drove to my house and I got out, taking my bag with me. "Thanks for the ride."

She just nodded and sped off. When I walked, the guys, except Ace, were all seated in the kitchen.

"Hey honey." Adam greeted, "How was school?"

"Terrific." I muttered angrily. I got some vanilla milk from the fridge and drank it out of the carton. All of them stared at me like I was some kind of lunatic. "What?!"

"Why did you drink out of the carton?" Ashton asked. "You always get mad at us if we do that."

"I don't care anymore." I shrugged, putting the milk back.

When I turned back to face them, I got greeted with a chest in my face. "What's wrong?" Anthony questioned seriously.

"Nothing!" I snapped.

"Then why are the words ' I'm not fine at all' writted on your forehead?!" He tapped my forehead with his fingers.

"Wait!" Arthur stopped me from saying anything. "Where is Ace?" Ouch, that one hurt.

"Why should I care?" I went to the living room. All six of them followed me and surrounded me.

"Where is he?" Adam asked.

"I don't know! Probably hanging out with some whore." I mumbled the last part

"What was that?!" Alec apparently heard it.

"He was with Venice!!" I yelled. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"WHAT?!" All of them yelled except Adam. He just waited patiently before asking "Are you sure it was him?"

"Yes, he was supposed to go home sick but I saw him at the mall after school." I stood up, wanting to go upstairs.

The door opened and Ace walked in. "Where were you?" Adam asked calmly.

"I was at the mall." Ace replied.

"You said you were going home sick." I remarked.

"Yes, but you seemed a little down at school. So I decided to buy you something."

"Where is it then?" Anthony asked.

"I didn't know what to buy." He shrugged.

"So you were at the mall, until now, all alone?" Arthur investigated.

"Jup." Ace answered.

"Lil liar." I mumled under my breath before heading to the garage door. I got some keys and got in the dark blue, Aston Martin.

I drove to the nearest grocery store and bought two pairs of flower bouquets. One with white roses that had a blue top. And another one but then simple red roses.

I got back in the vehicle and went to the cemetery. I walked towards my two family members.

I placed the blue roses on mom's grave and the red ones on my brother's grave. I placed myself infront of them on the ground and started talking. Telling them everything that has happened since my last visit. Even about today, since they should know quite a lot about him. I already told how he saved me several times, same with the others. I also showed the pictures from the fall ball.

"I really think you guys would like them. But it's time for me to go now. Bye, Love you two." I waved and then went home again.

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