The Wanderers

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             The surgery isn't life altering in itself. They left my body alone for the most part. My bones, muscles, and physical condition were improved. They heightened my senses to seemingly impossible strengths, but I could already feel, hear, smell, and see better than most.

            True, I became stronger, faster, and deadlier, but I already could fight before. I wouldn't object to my physical improvements alone. The part that changes one forever is what they do to your brain. You learn to kill. I never enjoyed it, but I've done it many times. You are forced to obey. Disobedience not only goes against our nature, but it results in pain. Pain is something you learn to live with if you're one of us.

The consequences of breaking an order can get the one you love beaten to death. Torture is performed to those you love if you do not listen. I've seen it happen. Certain Suppressors break through the wall of desire to obey, and they get the idea that they can escape.

They challenge the orders they have been given, or they run. Those Suppressors never make it very long. The thing about Suppressors is that we are afraid. We are afraid of our masters, The Associates, and we are terrified of Mr.Rowan, the man that has tortured and hurt us all. So when he tells the others to slaughter the runaway, we obey, no matter how well we know them.

Obviously, I know how very wrong it all is. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this letter. I just have the common sense not to get caught. I built up my power long ago. Now, I rank closer to The Associates than most Suppressors dare to imagine is possible. The younger ones tremble when I walk by. The older ones gaze at me with affection and admiration.

I have never punished a Suppressor. What monster would torment those who share the experiences that she once had? They only cower in fear because of what I have become. I have taken out men twice as large as I, and I have memorized thousands of ways to murder.

If it were my choice, though, I'd lay down every weapon, and walk away from it all. I'd walk away from the power and the fame if it meant that I never had to kill or hurt again. I'm a slave to monsters. I cannot do this.

Thankfully, there are those who see me as I really am. I have a group of friends, my only family, that treat me like one of them. I am one of them. Though I rank higher than most, I am still beaten, I am still hurt, and I always have to watch what I say and do for the sake of those I love.

My name is General TigrisHyde. Most people just call me Teig though. The last name Hyde belongs to one of my dearest friends, SamuelHyde. It suits me just fine. I suppose I am no longer general now that I have openly decided to challenge the Suppressors. Believe me when I say that I suffered the consequences. My name is TeigHyde, I am seventeen years old, and I disobeyed The Associates. Now, my fiancé is dead, and I am to blame.

Seven and a half years earlier:

Cobra (Coby)

            The boy limped down the street garbed in dark clothing. He winced every time his left foot smacked the pavement, sending a jolt through his injured knee. He paused, sucking in deep breaths. The boy knew that showing any sign of weakness in the alley slums could be fatal. He really didn't enjoy fighting; it was just a way of life. At age ten he was already five feet tall and really muscular. Not many people would like to meet him in the dark hours of the night alone. He slid his knife out and it glinted in the ribbons of moonlight streaming down from the sky. His brown eyes and bronze hair sparkled in the reflective surface. He lived in the dark as a gang member already. Imagining anything else was very hard. Suddenly a twig snapped behind him and he spun around knife ready. To his surprise, a strange girl with extremely red hair and green eyes met him with a smile.

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