Chapter 3

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The Jedi Council sat in shock over what just happened. No one had seen Shaak Ti fall to pieces before and no one could quite believe what just happened. The question was: why? Why had Shaak fallen apart just because Ahsoka had left? It was truethat no one felt particulary good after those events, but even Anakin Skywalker and Plo Koon hadn't broke down like Shaak just did. 

Plo Koon finally wroke the silence. "I am worried about her." 
"Yes," replied Ki-Adi Mundi. "I don't believe Master Ti has ever acted like that before."

Mace Windu wasn't impressed; he was certain that what they had just witnessed was a serious problem. "It appears that Master Ti may be becoming unstable. I suggest we watch her for any signs of the Dark Side."
"I couldn't feel any darkness around her, Master Windu," Kit Fisto replied. "I just sensed loss and pain..." 

Obi- Wan stroked his beard. He had watched the reaction of Anakin after Ahsoka left. It was clear to him that Anakin would struggle to get over the loss of his Padawan. However, even Anakin hadn't changed completely and broke down like Master Ti just did. It confused him. "Her reaction was worse than Anakin's and that says something."

"One thing is for sure," Plo Koon said. "We will need to find out what's wrong with her. I sense her whole persona has changed and I sense a distinct lack of care appeared within her."

"Yes, I sensed that too," Kit Fisto said. He was the most flexible master on the council with respect to beliefs, but even he had been surprised by Shaak Ti's response. 

"Worrying this is. Made a mistake with Young Tano, we did. Make that mistake again, we must not. Investigate this, I will. Intrigues me, her reaction does." Master Yoda stood up, picked up his gimmer stick and started walking towards the door. 

"Master Yoda, where are you going?" Obi-Wan asked. 
"Going to Shaak Ti, I am. Believe that she has something to tell me, I do." Master Yoda walked out of the room, went to the lift and went up to Shaak's quarters. When he stood in front of the door, he heard the Togruta cry. As painful as it would be for her, it was time for her to tell him the truth.

Maybe some of you don't like this chapter, but I wanted to tell you guys what the council thinks about Shaak. I hope you like it!

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