Chapter 6

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Thanks to @Spectre165243

Well guys I planned to make it Longer but I can't think anymore idea so this is the Last Chapter

2 years passed Ezra Skywalker was dueling the Emperor while his father and Brother were taken on 6 of Emperor Best Hands (DONT ASK BESIDE A SKYWALKER IS A WARRIOR)

"Join me I will give you more power then you father ever gave." Sidious said

"Never I am A JEDI like My father before me." Ezra said 

"So be it JEDI." Sidious said as both continued the duel slashing trying to gain the upper hand but unfortuantly for Sidious Ezra is young and A skywalker and stabbed Emperor

"Your reign ends your highness." Ezra said killing Sidious

After the celebration

Ezra and Leia started to talk after Ezra went and talk to Anakin it is time

" So Ezra it all over we can rest soon as most of the empire is gone or surrendered." Leia exclaimed with Happiness after 20 years the empire is falling apart

" Indeed Actually I wanna show you something in private Leia do you wanna go in your room." Ezra said holding something behind his back

" Sure." Leia said as they left to her room

" What do you wanna show me Ezra." Leia asked

" This." Ezra said getting on one feet and pulled a ring shocking Leia

" Is this really happening." Leia thought excitingly

" Leia Organa When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands Will you marry me." Ezra asked

" Yes Ezra." Leia said launching onto Ezra and kissing him as he put the ring on Leia finger

" YES LEIA IS GONNA BE MY DAUGHTER IN LAW." Anakin screamed happily with Luke and Mara spying behind the door

" Father be quiet Ezra gonna hear us." Luke scowled his dad

" Yeah Ezra Is not gonna help that we sn-" Mara said but was cut off

" Sneak on Yes He would But I feel very happy not to be mad." Ezra said smirking with Leia in his arms

" We can explain Ezra." Mara said but was surprised by Ezra hugging her

" I understand Heck I would have done the same if My brother and you wanna speak private." Ezra said making Luke and Mara blushing and a Anakin Skywalker laughing while Sabine looked mad


"Sabine you need to understand I moved On." Ezra said as Sabine sadly turned and walked away crying

3 months Later

The music started playing and Anakin knew it was time turned his attention back to the slightly elevated area in front of him. Ezra Shan stood waiting in front of the altar, dressed in a sharp-looking suit. Luke stood to the side, as well as a few others. At the other side of the altar Padmé, Ashoka and Hera stood waiting, all of them wearing elegant dresses. Anakin could sense some nervousness coming from Ezra, but that quickly faded when the doors at the end of the hall opened.

Bail Organa  then walked with his daughter Leia at his arm. Ashley was walking behind them, carrying a pillow holding the rings. Everyone in the hall turned to face them. Padme couldn't deny that Her Daughter looked absolutely beautiful in her long flowing white dress. Mara and Padmé had dragged Leia to the finest stores so that she would look her best during the wedding. Luke locked eyes on her soon to be sister in law and Leia smiled widely at him. He smiled back and nodded. Leia nodded back and looked at her father. He smiled at her and the two of them started making their way to the altar.

All of the Jedi that had gathered at the ceremony couldn't help but smile and feel a little bit envious. The wedding between Ezra Skywalker and Leia Organa was the first official wedding involving a Jedi since the change in the Jedi Code and the Empire is over. It was an incredibly important event.

Leia and her father reached the end of the isle. Bail kissed his daughter on the head and let her take her place besides Ezra. He then walked back and decided to do the wedding thing.

Leia and Ezra smiled to each other as they took each other's hands. They then turned to face Chancellor Organa. "Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to join these two young people in holy matrimony." He began addressing everyone. He began to speak the traditional words at any wedding. Everyone in the audience remained silent and paid close attention. "The couple had each written their own vows. If you both would?" Bail Organa asked them. Leia and Ezra looked at each other and silently decided who should go first. Leia nodded at him for him to go first.

Ezra nodded in return and started. "Leia, our first meeting was quite the unexpected one. When i I first saw you I didn't trust you but after awhile I grew fond of you. What I saw instead was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen." Leia giggled a bit at his words.. "I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you after On Lothal. But, because you were a Princess, I never knew my feelings. But now, things are different. I know I've made mistakes in the past, but I promise that I will never let harm come to you again. I promise that I will do whatever I can to be the best husband and father I can be." He finished with a large smile.

Leia Then said. "I love you with all my heart and I will do my best to be the best wife to you I possibly can I had feelings after I found out what happens to your parents I was admired that you did things to survived."

They both smiled at each other, their love clearly visible in their eyes. Bail Organa smiled as well. "If there is anyone who thinks that they should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their silence." He told the audience. Everyone in the hall remained silent. "Then now, the rings." He told the two.

Ezra and Leia turned to Ashley(Ezra Little sister). She stepped closer to them and held up the pillow with the rings eagerly, a large smile on her face. She was now finally getting the family together that she always wanted. Ezra and Leia both gave her a warm smile as they took the rings.

Ezra gently took Leia's hand and placed the ring around her finger. Ahsoka smiled at the deep brown crystal on the right, it matched her eyes perfectly. She instantly remembered Ezra telling her that her eyes always managed to captivate him. She then took Ezra's hand and placed the other ring on his finger. They both held hands, the rings fully visible to everyone.

Bail Organa's words broke the silence. "By the powers vested in me by the Galactic Republic and the Newly Senate, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife." He told them. "You may kiss the bride."

Ezra and Leia looked each other in the eyes, a bright smile on both of their faces. They slowly leaned in towards each other. Applause and cheers erupted from the audience but most loudly from Anakin as they shared a deep, passionate kiss. This was a new beginning for them and the New Republic.

The end

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