Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up feeling terrible Monday morning. I'd gotten hardly any sleep over the weekend. Abigail had stayed over Friday night, and we'd camped out in the living room. We almost kissed, once, but it felt strange to go there, since our first had ended a bit awkwardly.

But as I was falling asleep in her arms, we had decided we were dating. I hadn't stopped smiling since. We'd figured, since Andrew had already unsuccessfully asked me out, that was one problem gone, mostly, and in less than two years, Abigail could get out of her dad's house, and come with me to college or wherever. One thing was for sure - we had a plan.

Saturday morning, Abigail packed up and went home. We hugged at the gate, and she walked back to the farm. I knew she was planning on telling Andrew, but I hadn't heard the results of that yet. I was busy the rest of the weekend, and hadn't been able to see her since. Now, it was Monday, and I needed to get ready for school.

Once I got on the bus, I was bouncing with excitement to tell Sierra everything that had happened. She hadn't been texting or calling me back all weekend, so I hadn't been able to tell her before. When I saw her step onto the bus I grinned, and in exchange she gave me a weak smile.

"Hey," she sighed as she sat down.

"Sierra! I have so much to tell you!"

"Oh?" Sierra said, sounding uninterested. I ignored her tone.

"I went to the dance with Abigail, and guess what? We got together!" I said.

"Oh, nice," Sierra murmured. I frowned.

"What's up with you?" I demanded. "You haven't responded to my texts, and now you're acting like you don't care? This is big for me, Sierra, you're my best friend, you're supposed to care!" Looking back, I suppose that was a bit mean, but I was tired and excited and Sierra's disinterest pissed me off.

"Oh, so, you're finally asking about me instead of constantly talking about Abigail?" Sierra snapped back. I stared. This was so incredibly unlike her.

"What's wrong?" I persisted.

"Nothing," Sierra muttered, and just then the bus arrived at school. Sierra got up and stalked off, leaving me to wonder what the hell I did.

When I got home that afternoon, I went straight up to the woods. I was furious. Sierra had refused to talk to me for the rest of the day, so I refused to talk to her, and see how she liked it. I was so confused and annoyed because I had no idea what I'd done to get her in this mood. We were supposed to be best friends and to tell each other everything.

"Hi," Abigail said when I got there, then she saw my expression. "What's wrong?"

"Sierra!" I exploded. "She got mad at me today because I was trying to tell her about the dance, and I asked her what was wrong and all of sudden she snapped at me and then she didn't speak to me all day! I have no idea what's wrong with her! Honestly!" I huffed and sat down, my arms crossed. Abigail bit her lip hesitantly.

"Ever since we you think you've been spending less time with her?" Abigail asked.

"I see her every day at school," I replied.

"But outside of school," Abigail continued, "do you think you've been spending less time with her because you've been here with me?"

"Well, yeah," I said, "I come here all the time, but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring Sierra or anything, I still see her at school all the time."

"When you see her at school, do you frequently talk about me? About us?" Abigail asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?"

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