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Your pov
I slouched on the counter at the place I worked.Starbucks.FUCKING Starbucks.No one was in but this white blonde girl with blue eyes that looked like she had every privilege she ever wanted with her brunette green eyed boyfriend.Then a guy with dirty blonde hair walked in.It was the same guy that came in every day.Austin."hey can I get a (I barley go to Starbucks so chill if this is not on the menu)Carmel iced coffee."he asked.I grabbed a cup and put his name in it."hey ya remembered my name."he said.I smiled."well ya come in every day so.."I made his coffee and handed it to him."thanks."he said before taking a seat.I her some shuffling of chairs and it was coming from the privileged couple.This girl was sucking the soul out of his fucking face.She was sitting in this guys lap making out.Just zero fucks giving."oh ma'am can you take this else where please."I asked.They ignored me."ma'am!"I gave a small shout.The blonde gave me the finger and continued on.I was speechless."um excuse me but can ya stop sucking the soul out of your lover."I yelled.She stopped and slowly looked at me."come on Jacob lets go I don't wanna be by poor people any ways."she said.She walked over to the counter and dumped her iced coffee all over it and most of it was spilled on me.I gasped and she showed me a slight smile and left.I started to soak up the spilled coffee while Austin walked over."you need any help."he asked

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