Chapter 23

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It was not a house, even though it looked like one from the outside. It was a library. There was books everywhere. On any available surface was a book, each with their own bookmark sticking out of them. And then we got to 'my' room, which wasn't any improvement on the rest of the house. Even there was two book cases, a rack up on the wall holding a Harry Potter series, and some books on the desk that stood before the window. I had never seen anything like this in my life. Some of the book looked like they had never been read. Others was really well-worn with age and too much reading. I felt the urge to run into the bathroom to see if the tub was filled to the brim with books as well.

"Sorry, I didn't have much time to get a place ready for you," Mr. van Leer smiled apologetically. "But in my opinion there's no better place to sleep than between the characters that love and protected us unconditionally from the outside world.

Okay. It was official. Of all the people that could have fostered me, or taken me into a "safe house" as the police called it, they picked the nerdiest person they could. Wasn't it enough that they had to pick my English teacher? I'm sure I could have gone back to Lucy. Or even Kevin.

"Have you read all of them?" It was the first words I have ever spoken to Mr. van Leer. Even when he picked me up from the police station I didn't say a word. I have told my story and I was under the fullest impression that I would be taking my silence back. Everything went wrong when I spoke in any case.

"Not all of them. But one day I will get to them," he said, pushing his black curls back from his forehead as he adjusted his glasses.

"Oh," I answered. I could not imagine spending this much money on books that I wasn't planning on reading right away.

"You must be tired? Or did you want me to make you something to eat? I could call for some pizza?" Mr. van Leer asked nervously.

Has this guy ever had a kid in his house before now? For someone who worked with kids every single day he seemed a bit nervous around me.

"Food would be good please," I answered. There was no need to be rude.

"Pizza? What kind of toppings would you like?"

"Hawaiian would be fine," I answered, still not able to keep my eyes off all the books I was seeing.

"Cool. You're free to explore while I order. There's some clothing in that closet that might fit you. Some old things from when I was a bit younger. That's if you wanted to get out of the pink," he said as he left the room, leaving me all alone, surrounded by books and a bed made up just a little bit too neatly.

So this was my new home? Or temporary home? I could not imagine myself living here permanently in any case. It was just too weird living with your English teacher. Even if he was still young and good looking.

I didn't want to be here. I needed to go to the hospital and sit and wait for Blake. I needed my phone as well. I wanted to call Lucy and tell her what happened, so that if I could not go to the hospital at least she could go and keep me updated with what was going on. My dad was right about one thing. What happened to Blake was my fault. He must have gone to my house, knowing that I would go back there. He probably waited for me to arrive so that he could talk to me since I didn't want to hear him out. I was the guilty one.

"Dinner is on its way," Mr. van Leer said as he walked past my room to what I assumed was his. For a moment I was a little bit curious what his room would look like. Would it be just as full of books as the other rooms?

Then again. I don't think that a teenager in a pink kitty shirt would have been very appropriate in a teacher's room. On that thought I closed the door behind me and started snooping through the closet, searching for something a little bit more appropriate to wear. I was in luck.

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