Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 is dedicated to my friend Martin who lost his mother tonight. Also, his boyfriend Gerrie; since he lost his mother-in-law. I am with you both in spirit... Love you...

The light that seeped through the room woke me.

"Dammit," I mumbled, remembering that I forgot to close the curtains last night after Blake tried to serenade me through the window.

It was not like I had a good night of sleep. I could still feel the awkward silence after I asked Blake to bring me back home. He didn't speak to me a single time as we climbed on the bike, and he didn't once stop until we were in front of our house. I still tried to say goodbye, but he completely ignored me and sped away on the motorcycle. I stood out there until he turned the corner and couldn't see him anymore. When I finally got into bed after that I just couldn't fall asleep again. I tossed and turned, and if I got a full two hours of sleep it must've been a lot.

I got out of bed, ready to get dressed when I realized that it was Saturday, so I turned around and got back into bed. It was not like I had anything to look forward to in life. And that is when it hit me!

How on earth does Blake know where I live? Who told him? It's not like I have any friends who could have pointed out my house to him.

Thinking of this and everything Blake had said to me last night I just couldn't fall asleep again, and I was also reminded by my growling stomach that I didn't eat at all yesterday. So thanks to that I was forced out of bed and down to the kitchen for the biggest possible bowl of cornflakes that I could find.

I was busy pouring some milk over my cereal when I hear a voice behind me.

"Morning Elijah. Slept well?" It was my mom and she sounded livelier than I have heard her in years.

"Hullo..." I muttered back, reliving my dad's bad breath as he threatened me the night before. I wasn't planning on giving her more than what I just gave her. I would talk, but only enough to get my dad to leave as soon as possible. Other for that I would be mute. Like I have always been.

"Slept well?" she repeated the question as I sat down at the table.

Woman! Can you not tell that I have no desire to talk to you?!

"Okay," I said and put a spoon full of cereal into my mouth, trying to avoid talking again. That was it. As long as my mouth was full she couldn't possibly expect me to answer her. I mean, good manners comes way before revealing conversations about why you went mute for four years?

"So... It's nice that your dad came to help? It seems to be working hey?" The smile on her face tried to convince me in the one thing I really did not believe in. To be honest; him being here has just fucked me up a bit more.

I just nodded in response, as I pushed another big spoon of cereal into my mouth.

"So, would you like to spend the day with me and your dad? We could watch that movie you have been dying to see?" she asked, clearly thinking we were all of a sudden a great big happy family again.

No woman! As long as he is here I do not want to spend time with you! Think for yourself a bit. I stopped speaking a week before he left you out in the cold. Smell the coffee!

That was what I wanted to say but I caught myself saying: "Nah thanks. Got plans with a friend."

"Well that's great news honey! Who is it? Do I know them?"

I sighed. This was the last thing I wanted. For her to start being nosey about what is going on in my life. The lesson here – DO NOT TALK! It only leads to trouble.

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